Journal of Orthoptera Research with a new Journal Impact Factor

02 July 2024

The 2023 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) for Journal of Orthoptera Research stands at 0.8, according to the latest Web of Science data, reports ARPHA Platform’s Indexing team. This is also the second year the official journal of the Orthopterists’ Society receives a JIF.

In late June, Clarivate released the 2024 Journal Citation Report (JCR). The report reflects how many times content published in a particular journal in 2021 and 2022 was cited in the last complete year: 2023. Then, this total count is divided by the number of “citable” (i.e. research and review) articles to estimate the JIF for the year.

Earlier in June, Journal of Orthoptera Research received its 2023 Scopus CiteScore: 1.3.

The latest JIF, alongside the current Scopus CiteScore and CiteScore Tracker are conveniently displayed on the journal website’s homepage. They also appear in the journal’s newsletter.
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