Research Article |
Corresponding author: Robert B. Srygley ( ) Academic editor: Tony Robillard
© 2024 Robert B. Srygley, Laura B. Senior.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
Srygley RB, Senior LB (2024) Illustrated review of Mormon cricket Anabrus simplex (Tettigoniidae, Tettigoniinae) embryonic development. Journal of Orthoptera Research 33(1): 87-93.
Mormon crickets Anabrus simplex Haldeman, 1852 are a pest of crops and rangeland in the western United States, but little is known about their development in the egg stage. Mormon crickets have multiple states at which they may diapause and thus affect population growth. Consequently, a series of photographs of Mormon cricket embryonic stages was organized using published research on Old World katydids. Earlier stages were more difficult to distinguish without removing the chorion. However, where possible, features that can be seen through the chorion are indicated with the expectation that these will be useful in characterizing development in living embryos. As with other Orthoptera, the timing of development varied greatly among individuals, but at a minimum, embryos filled approximately half the egg in six weeks, whereas they required 12 weeks from oviposition to reach the final stage before their obligate winter diapause.
diapause, environment, hatching, katydid, ontogeny
In the temperate zone, shield-backed katydids (Orthoptera: Ensifera: Tettigoniidae) spend most of their life cycle in the egg. During much of this time, the embryo may be quiescent or in diapause and not growing. Diapause may occur at multiple stages during embryonic development and last for differing amounts of time (
General embryology of shield-backed katydids was described by
Relative to other Orthoptera, members of Tettigoniidae remain underrepresented in descriptions of their external embryological morphology. Even though some species, such as the spiny bush cricket Acanthoplus discoidalis Walker, 1869 (Bradyporinae) and the Mormon cricket Anabrus simplex Haldeman, 1852 (Tettigoniinae: Platycleidini), are economically important (
Adult females lay eggs individually in soil ca. 2.5 cm beneath the surface. Eggs have a facultative diapause stage that may occur early in development. In that state, the embryonic primordial tissue may remain for multiple growing seasons and winter periods (
The series of photographs by
In this paper, we document stages of embryonic development for A. simplex organized in accordance with
Mormon cricket male and female 7th instar nymphs were collected on Paint Rock Road in the Bighorn Mountains, WY (44°27'52"N, 107°27'33"W, 2653 m.a.s.l..) on July 9, 2015 and brought to the lab in Sidney, Montana. Females were set up in nylon mating cages (30 × 21 × 21 cm BugDorms, Megaview Science Co., Ltd., Taiwan) on the day that they molted to adult. If an adult male was available, it too was added to the cage on the same day. Otherwise, a male was added following eclosion. Mating pairs were placed in either long-day (15:9 h day:night) or short-day (12:12 h day:night) treatments with the temperature cycle—warming to 30°C during the day and cooling to 15°C at night—the same in both chambers (
Parental treatments and incubation of eggs preserved for observation of embryonic development.
Population, Year | Parental photoperiod, temperature | Incubation environment | N eggs preserved | N embryos portrayed |
WY, 2015 | 15:9 h, 30:15°C | VC:VT** | 169 | 4 |
WY, 2015 | 15:9 h, 30:15°C* | CC:CT | 104 | 9 |
WY, 2015 | 12:12 h, 30:15°C | VC:VT | 156 | 1 |
WY, 2015 | 12:12 h, 30:15°C* | CC:CT | 65 | 2 |
WY, 2018 | 15:9 h, 30:15°C | VC:VT | 195 | 4 |
OR, 2018 | 15:9 h, 30:15°C | VC:VT | 365 | 2 |
In 2018, additional A. simplex were collected in the field and set up in mating pairs for egg collection. Males and females were collected from Cedar Spring Road and from Montague Road near Arlington OR on May 28, 2018 (coordinates for Arlington: 44°40'39"N, 120°12'41"W, 87 m) and sent to the lab in Sidney. Others were reared in cages in the Bighorn Mountains, WY (44°49'35"N, 107°49'41"W, 2773 m) and brought to the lab on August 28, 2018. An adult male and female from the same location comprised a mating pair. Mating pairs were treated the same as those collected in 2015 except only the long day photoperiod (15:9 h) was used. Moreover, to provide a more precise starting time for embryonic development, the sand in each mating cage was sifted daily and the eggs recovered were sorted into 12 groups and set up simultaneously in the 12-week VC:VT temperature profile.
In both years, for each population and incubation treatment, one cup of eggs in sand was removed from the environmental chamber weekly for 12 consecutive weeks following the date of sifting. Thus, in total, for each population and incubation treatment, 12 groups of eggs were removed: one group at the end of each week for each of the 12 weeks in the egg development profile. Immediately upon removal, the eggs were placed in a refrigerator at 4°C to minimize further development. As soon as possible thereafter, the eggs were sifted out of the sand and then cleared and fixed using a slightly modified version of the
For review and photography of the egg stages, the eggs were removed from the storage solution and reviewed using a stereomicroscope (Leica model M205C), a camera (Leica model DMC 4500), imaging software (Leica Application Suite version 14.13.10), and dark field. For each stage, an image was selected that best represented the characters of a described stage and clearly differentiated the stage from the subsequent and preceding stages in the developmental series. For some stages, the embryo was photographed from more than one perspective, and for some stages, the chorion was removed to better display the characters.
Embryonic development of Tettigoniidae is separated into seven phases based on orientation and movement of the embryo. Within each phase, stages of development are differentiated morphologically. Phase 0, which includes the first three stages of blastoderm formation, is not included in this study because it was not visible with our methods nor those of
Phase and stage descriptions.—Phase I: Formation and differentiation of the embryonic primordium (Fig. 1).
Stage 4: Embryonic primordium circular, appearing as a disc of tissue when the broad side of the disc is oriented facing the viewer (see also, Suppl. material
Stage 5: Growth has begun, and the embryonic primordium has become pear shaped and lies on the yolk at the posterior end.
Stage 6: Differentiation into protocephalic (i.e., head) and protocormic (i.e., thoracic and abdominal) regions. Protocormic region begins to elongate but still quite short, although clearly more defined than in Stage 5. The stodomodeum (rudimentary mouth) appears (
Stage 6 transitioning to Phase II (Anatrepsis) Stage 7: Segmentation, which is difficult to discern in these images, is developing in the gnathal and thoracic regions whereas abdominal segmentation has not begun. The protocorm is still relatively short, while the protocephalon has widened (see also Suppl. material
Phase II: Anatrepsis (Fig. 2) Movement away from the posterior end of the egg. Movement is slight relative to other Orthoptera (
Stages 7 to 8: By the end of Stage 7, segmentation of the thoracic region is complete. The head of the embryo is at the posterior end of yolk, bending slightly backwards. As the segmentation proceeds into the abdomen, the embryo is moving from Stage 7 into Stage 8. The protocorm has elongated, while the protocephalon is somewhat broadened. Limb buds are not visible.
Stage 9: Abdominal segmentation is proceeding. At Stage 9, the abdomen is more than half segmented. The abdomen is noticeably longer now but not yet full length. The thoracic and gnathal limb buds (i.e, rudimentary legs and mouth parts, respectively) now protrude (Suppl. material
Stages 10: At Stage 10, the proctodeum (i.e., rudimentary anus) is just visible and the abdomen has become completely segmented. Thoracic appendages oriented approximately parallel to the body (
Stage 11: Abdomen completely segmented and full length (Suppl. material
Phase III: Mesentrepsis (Fig. 3) Embryo is stationary (
Stage 12: The tip of the abdomen bends over the ventral side of the embryo (Suppl. material
Stage 13: The embryo has begun to broaden conspicuously. The tip of the abdomen, also now noticeably widened, is curled under towards the ventral side (Suppl. material
Stage 14: The entire embryo has further broadened with respect to the previous stage (Suppl. material
Phase IV: Katatrepsis (Fig. 4) Remaining on the surface of the yolk, the embryo moves around the yolk’s posterior end, reversing the embryo’s orientation and positioning the head towards the anterior end of the egg.
Phase IV: Katatrepsis. A. Stage 15, lateral view with anterior end of embryo to the left; B. Stage 15, dorso-lateral view with chorion removed; C. Stage 16, lateral view with anterior end of embryo to the right; D. Stage 17, lateral view; E. Stage 18, ventral view showing its length relative to the whole egg. Scale bars: 2 mm.
Stage 15: The head bends back over the end of the yolk, being at approximately right angles to the body. The embryo is beginning to move around the pole of the yolk, initiating the reversal of its antero-posterior orientation (Suppl. material
Stage 16: The embryo curves around the end of the yolk, with the head and thorax arching as the embryo undergoes katatrepsis. At the posterior end of the yolk, a clear fluid filled space has formed from the uptake of water, which occurs before katatrepsis (
Stage 17: Only the very tip of the abdomen remains bent back under the yolk as the head is now oriented toward the anterior end of the egg. The ventral side of the embryo is apparent along what is now the opposite side of the egg from where it was situated before katatrepsis. The eyes are reddish pigmented and visible (Suppl. material
Stage 18: Katatrepsis is complete, as the embryo has finished rounding the posterior pole. The tip of the abdomen has straightened out. The developing legs, antennae, and mouthparts are more conspicuous. The darkened eyespots are readily visible, having a reddish pigmentation and an angled ovoid appearance (Suppl. material
Phase V: Dorsal closure (Fig. 5) The body grows dorsally around the yolk to envelop it.
Stage 19: The embryo is half the length of the yolk (Suppl. material
Stage 20: The embryo is three-quarters the length of the yolk (Suppl. material
Stage 21: With only a small plug of yolk protruding beyond the head (Suppl. material
Stages 21 to 22: Only a small plug of yolk protruding beyond the head is still visible, and the legs are shorter than in Stage 23. While dorsal closure completes in Stage 22, this is not readily visible from the ventral view. The Stage 21 to 22 embryo has not yet shown any pigmentation of the appendages or head.
Phase VI: Completion. Stage 23: The embryo is the full length of the egg. The posterior femurs have become longer, are of medium length, and cover more than half of the abdomen (Suppl. material
Stage 24: The embryo is the full length of the egg, and the hindmost femurs are long, extending most of the way but not completely to the tip of the abdomen (Fig. 7). The pigmentation of the legs and tarsal spines and head is much advanced. As with Decticus verrucivorus (
Stage 25: Final developmental stage that occurs after embryonic diapause and prior to hatching (Fig. 7).
Timing of the embryonic stages.—The developmental stages are in successive order, and so for an individual embryo, the minimum time to reach Stage n+1 cannot be less than the time to reach Stage n. However, this is not necessarily true for the different embryos portrayed (Figs 1–5). To obtain a rough estimate of the time to reach each stage, the embryos in the photographic images were graphed with their age from oviposition (Fig. 6). The initial stages can develop very quickly. For example, an embryo developed to Stage 6 within a week or two after oviposition. Other embryos took longer to reach earlier stages, such as two embryos that reached Stage 4 and Stage 5 within 28–35 days and an embryo that reached Stage 6 in 54 days. As in other Orthoptera (
The minimum age of each embryo from day of oviposition (maximum age indicated by error bar). Embryos that were between two stages (e.g., Stage 6 to 7) were given a value half-way between the two stages (e.g., 6.5). Closed circles: embryos incubated at a daily 12:12 h cycle of 30:15°C; open circles: embryos incubated at 30:15°C for the initial 35 days and then the daily maximum and minimum temperatures were varied each week thereafter. Inset: embryos in various stages of development in week 8.
To summarize, we have organized a series of photographs of Mormon cricket embryos by their external morphology in accordance with
We thank April Aamodt for collecting Mormon crickets in Oregon, D. Branson for lending the dissecting scope used to photograph the embryos, and F. Vencl for comments on a draft of the manuscript.
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Explanation note: Comparison of developmental stages of
Data type: pdf
Explanation note: fig. S1. Stage 4 circular disc of cells. fig. S2. Stage 6–7 with key characters labeled. fig. S3. Stage 9 with key characters labeled. fig. S4. Stage 10 with key characters labeled. fig. S5. Stage 11 with key characters labeled. The micropyles, clearly visible in this photo, are also indicated. fig. S6. Stage 11 with chorion removed. fig. S7. Stage 12 with key characters labeled. fig. S8. Stage 12 with chorion removed. fig. S9. Stage 13 with key characters labeled. fig. S10. Stage 14 with key characters labeled. fig. S11. Stage 14 with chorion removed and key characters labeled. fig. S12. Stage 15 with key characters labeled. fig. S13. Stage 16 with key characters labeled. fig. S14. Stage 17 with lateral (left) and frontal (right) views of the same embryo. fig. S15. Stage 18 with key characters labeled. fig. S16. Stage 19 with key characters labeled. fig. S17. Stage 20 with key characters labeled. fig. S18. Stage 21 with key characters labeled. fig. S19. Stage 23 with key characters labeled. fig. S20. Stage 24 with key characters labeled.