Research Article |
Corresponding author: Timothy G. Forrest ( ) Academic editor: Ming Kai Tan
© 2023 Timothy G. Forrest, Micaela Scobie, Olivia Brueckner, Brittania Bintz, John D. Spooner.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Forrest TG, Scobie M, Brueckner O, Bintz B, Spooner JD (2023) Geographic variation in the calling songs and genetics of Bartram’s round-winged katydid Amblycorypha bartrami (Tettigoniidae, Phaneropterinae) reveal new species. Journal of Orthoptera Research 32(2): 153-170.
Previous work on Bartram’s round-winged katydid, Amblycorypha bartrami Walker, found inconsistencies in song variation across the species’ range. Individuals of purported populations of A. bartrami from sandhills across the southeastern US were collected, recorded, and their genes were sequenced to better understand their population structure and evolution. Significant differences in songs, morphology, and genetics were found among populations from Alabama (AL), Georgia (GA), North Carolina (NC), and South Carolina (SC), and they differed from those of individuals collected from the type locality in Florida (FL). Males from all populations produced songs composed of a series of similar syllables, but they differed in the rates at which syllables were produced as a function of temperature. At temperatures of 25°C, the calling songs of males from populations in northern AL and GA were found to have the highest syllable rates, those from SC had the lowest rates, and those from NC were found to produce songs with doublet syllables at rates that were intermediate between those of males from FL and those of AL and GA. These song differences formed the basis for cluster analyses and principal component analyses, which showed significant clustering and differences in song spectra and morphology among the song morphs. A Bayesian multi-locus, multi-species coalescent analysis found significant divergences from a panmictic population for the song morphs. Populations from GA and AL are closely related to those of A. bartrami in FL, whereas populations from NC and SC are closely related to each other and differ from the other three. Large river systems may have been important in isolating these populations of flightless katydids. Based on the results of our analyses of songs, morphology, and genetics, three new species of round-winged katydids from the southeastern coastal plain and piedmont are described.
massively parallel sequencing, multi-locus multi-species coalescent model, new species
The round-headed katydids of North America (Amblycorypha Stål, 1873) consist of three species groups—oblongifolia, rotundifolia, and uhleri—that differ in morphology and size (
In this paper, we describe the variation in calling song, morphology, and genetics of populations of purported A. bartrami. We present the first molecular phylogenetic data from widespread populations in the rotundifolia complex, which show significant divergence among them. Members of the rotundifolia group, including A. bartrami, are flightless, which probably influences gene flow among populations. Therefore, we discuss the phylogeography of A. bartrami and how our genetic results relate to isolation and spatial population structure, particularly concerning river drainages and fragmentation of the longleaf pine habitat. Clustering analyses across populations also detected previously unidentified population differences in song and morphology. The significant genetic, acoustical, and morphological variation we discovered reveal new species that were, at one time, considered Amblycorypha bartrami.
Fieldwork.—Fieldwork occurred mostly at night, and katydids were collected by listening for and finding males as they called or by searching vegetation for males and females using headlights. In some cases, males and females were collected during the day using sweep nets in areas and from vegetation likely to harbor katydids. Katydids were housed in 10 × 10 × 10 cm cages (either clear plastic or screened) with ad libitum water and food (apple, lettuce, oats, or a dry high-protein artificial diet;
Acoustic recordings and analyses.—Calling songs of free-ranging males in the field or caged males in the laboratory were recorded with Sennheiser ME66 shotgun microphones and either a Tascam DAP-1 DAT recorder or a Marantz PMD-670 solid-state recorder. The sampling rate for the digital recordings was either 44 or 48 kHz. Time and frequency characteristics of the calling songs were determined with Audacity 2.3 or using the seewave package in R (
The songs of A. bartrami are relatively uniform, and a complete cycle of wing movement (syllable = phonatome,
Spectral variation among populations was also examined at two different temporal levels: 30 s of calling song and for individual syllables. Because spectra can be influenced by the recording environment, we used songs with high signal-to-noise ratios (x–̄±SE=43±1.4 dB). Before spectral analyses, we removed low-frequency noise from the recordings using a finite impulse response bandpass filter (5 kHz–22 kHz, hanning window length = 512). The average spectra of each recording were normalized to probability mass functions during each discrete Fourier transform (DFT: window length = 2048 with 0% overlap), and Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) distances (
Morphological measurements.—To test for differences in morphological characters among populations, we positioned preserved, pinned museum specimens so that digital images (11Mpix) could be taken of their dorsal and lateral aspects. In each photo, a scale in the same focal plane as the structures to be measured allowed calibrated measurements to be made with ImageJ software (
DNA extraction and sequences.—Genomic DNA was extracted from the proximal portion of the frozen femur of individuals from field populations of purported A. bartrami (AL (2♂: 1♀, Cleburne Co.), FL (1♂: 1♀, Liberty Co.), GA (1♂: 2♀, Gordon Co.), NC (4♂: 0♀, Richmond Co.), A. nr bartrami SC (0♂: 1♀, Aiken Co.; 1♂: 0♀, Edgefield Co.; 2♂: 2♀, Georgetown Co.) and for A. parvipennis in AR (2♂: 1♀, Faulkner Co.) and MO (2♂: 0♀, Shannon Co.). We used the standard protocol for the Qiagen DNeasy tissue kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) and stored the gDNA extracts at either -20°C or -80°C until they were used for PCR amplification and sequencing.
Because reliance on a single barcoding gene might cause problems in phylogenetic analyses (
PCR amplification.—Published primer pairs were used to amplify the regions of interest (Table
Primer pairs and annealing temperatures for PCR and expected size for sequences.
Primer | Sequence 5’3’ | Anneal (°C) | %GC | Amplicon Size (bp) | Ref |
COI Primers | |||||
R HCO2198 | TAAACTTCAGGGTGACCAAAAAATCA | 64.5 | 34.6 | 658 |
28S and 18S rDNA Primers | |||||
F LR7 | TACTACCACCAAGATCT | 53.6 | 41.2 |
R NS19b | CCGGAGAGGGAGCCTGAGAAC | 68.9 | 66.7 | ~3700 | Bruns Lab, UC Berkeley |
Histone 3 Primers | |||||
R H3 AR | ATATCCTTRGGCATRATRGTG | 50.0 | 40.5 | ~375 |
wingless (wg) Primers | |||||
tubulin-alpha I Primers | |||||
F 294F1 | GAAACCRGTKGGRCACCAGTC | 50.0 | 59.5 |
R 294R1 | GARCCCTACAAYTCYATTCT | 50.0 | 42.5 | ~350 |
Library preparation and massively parallel sequencing (MPS).—PCR products were diluted to a concentration of 0.2 ng/μL and enzymatically fragmented and tagged with MPS sequencing adapters using the Illumina Nextera XT Library Prep kit (Illumina, Inc., San Diego, CA). Limited-cycle PCR was used to add flow cell adapters and multiplexing barcodes to fragmented libraries. Flow cell adapters enable library fragments to anchor to the surface of the solid support where sequencing occurs. Barcodes allow for post-sequencing parsing of sample-dependent data, which permits a high degree of multiplexing per sequencing run. Solid-phase reversible immobilization (SPRI) beads were used to purify the prepared libraries via the removal of unincorporated primers and dNTPs that could affect sequencing downstream. Libraries were then normalized to ensure equal representation of each sample, and equal volumes were pooled to create a master library for sequencing. Sequencing was performed on an Illumina MiSeq using a v3 2 × 300 cycle kit (Illumina, Inc., San Diego, CA).
Assembly, validation, and alignment.—Sequence analyses were carried out using Geneious Prime 2020.1.2. NextGen Fastq sequences were first set as paired reads and trimmed using BBDuk with a minimum quality Q30 and a minimum length of 20. These reads were then assembled to GenBank (
Phylogenetic analysis.—Phylogenetic relationships were inferred using Bayesian analysis in *BEAST2, which uses the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) process to explore tree space based on posterior probabilities (
Deposition of specimens, recordings, and sequences.—Unless otherwise indicated, the specimens are currently housed at the
University of North Carolina at Asheville (UNCA). The collection, along with types, will be transferred to the
Florida State Collection of Arthropods (
Song variation.—
A–C. Oscillograms (30s) of calling songs of 3 male A. bartrami from Liberty Co., Florida. Songs consist of a long duration, sustained main series of (~100) syllables preceded by several (15–20) short-duration series of 1–7 syllables; D. Oscillogram showing 16 syllables within yellow highlighted portion of the main series of C; E. Oscillogram and spectrogram showing the fine temporal structure and frequency content of 3 syllables highlighted in D.
A–C. Oscillograms (30s) of calling songs of 3 male A. nr bartrami from Aiken Co., South Carolina. Songs consist of a long duration, sustained main series of syllables preceded by several shortduration series of 1–5 syllables; D. Oscillogram of 15 syllables highlighted in C; E. Oscillogram and spectrogram showing the fine temporal structure and frequency content of 3 syllables highlighted in D.
A–C. Oscillograms (30s) of calling songs of 1 male A. bartrami from Gordon Co., Georgia. The long-duration sustained, main series of syllables are rarely preceded by shorter series as found in the songs from other supposed populations of A. bartrami; D. The yellow highlighted portion of C; E. Oscillogram and spectrogram of 3 syllables highlighted in D.
A–C. Oscillograms (30s) of calling songs of 3 male A. bartrami from Cleburne Co., Alabama. Syllable rates of sustained main series are similar to those of males from north Georgia (Figs 3, 7); D. Oscillogram of 17 syllables highlighted in C; E. Yellow highlighted portion of D showing detailed temporal structure and spectral composition of 3 syllables.
A–C. Time waveforms (30s) of calling songs for 3 NC A. bartrami males. Note the variation in the number of syllables that precede the main sustained train of syllables; D. Highlighted portion in C; E. Oscillogram and spectrogram of highlighted portion of D with 6 syllables in 3 doublets. Doublet syllable rates were faster than those of FL A. bartrami and slower than those of GA-AL A. bartrami. FL, GA, AL, and SC males rarely produced doublet syllables.
Temporal variation.—Songs of males from the Florida panhandle (N=3♂: 9 series) have sustained portions with significantly more syllables (x–̄±SE=107±22) than all other populations (GAL: 8±1, N=4♂: 53 series; NC: 17±1, N=8♂: 30 series; SC: 25±2, N=11♂: 112 series; A. parvipennis: 24±3 N=6♂: 39 series;
Mean (±SE) number of syllables as a function of the temporal relationship between series in male calling song from populations of supposed Amblycorypha bartrami (GA & AL: green, NC: blue, FL: red, SC: orange) and A. parvipennis (black). Triangles (X=0) represent the mean number of syllables in the sustained main series of songs averaged over the number of males shown in parentheses. Circles are the means for each series preceding the main series with the number of males contributing to the average indicated in parentheses.
Series that precede the main series of calling songs have, on average, 5–6 syllables for males from FL, whereas those in songs of males from other populations have fewer (GAL: 3–8; NC: 2–3; SC: 2–4; A. parvipennis: 1–2;
Syllable rate variation.—Based on the relationships of syllable rates with temperature (
Syllable rate as a function of temperature for populations of Amblycorypha bartrami (GA & AL: green, NC: blue, FL: red, AL: pink, SC: orange) and A. parvipennis (black). Solid symbols are recordings from our research and open symbols are recordings from other published work (
Syllable variation.—
Syllable variation among populations of A. bartrami. A. Florida N=3♂; B. Alabama N=3♂; C. Georgia N=1♂; D. South Carolina N=5♂; E. North Carolina N=5♂. Syllables consist of brief decaying impulses that are likely the result of the scraper engaging and releasing a single tooth on the file. Males from FL (A.) typically have a single pulse train of 1–2 pulses preceding the longer terminal pulse train in the syllable. Males from all other populations have two pulse trains (1–5 pulses) preceding the terminal pulse train. Scale bars: 100ms.
Spectral variation.—The signals produced by males are broadband, with most of the energy between 10–15 kHz (Panel E of
A, B. Song Dendrograms. The hierarchical cluster analyses are based on average spectra of 30s recordings of individual calling songs of males from populations of A. bartrami and A. parvipennis; C, D. Principal Coordinate Analyses calculated on distance/dissimilarity matrices of each pair of average spectra of the same 30s recordings in A, B. Shaded ellipses encompass 95% of observations expected for populations (green: GAL: 4♂; red: FL: 3♂; blue: NC: 4♂; orange: SC: 6♂; black: A. parvipennis: 5♂). Clustering by populations differed significantly from Ho (no relationships between ordination axes) for C (Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distance, Monte-Carlo test simulation, N=10000, p=0.032, first two components explain 77% of total variance) and D (Relative Frequency Dissimilarity, Monte-Carlo test simulation, N=10000, p=0.018, first two components explain 43% of total variance).
A, B. Syllable Dendrograms. The hierarchical cluster analyses are based on average spectra of pairs of syllables in male songs from populations of A. bartrami and A. parvipennis; C, D. Principal Coordinate Analyses calculated on distance/dissimilarity matrices of each pair of average spectra of the same recordings in A, B. Shaded ellipses encompass 95% of observations expected for populations (green: GAL: 4♂; red: FL: 3♂; blue: NC: 5♂; orange: SC: 8♂; black: A. parvipennis: 6♂). Clustering by populations differed significantly from Ho (no relationships between ordination axes) for C (Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distance, Monte-Carlo test simulation, N=10000, p<0.008, first two components explain 74% of total variance) and D (Relative Frequency Dissimilarity, Monte-Carlo test simulation, N=10000, p<0.002, first two components explain 32% of total variance)).
Morphological variation.—Morphological characters differed among some of the populations (Table
Mean (SE, N) of morphological measures (mm) from populations of supposed Amblycorypha bartrami and populations of A. parvipennis.*
Sex Population | PrnL | PrnW | TegL | TegW | FemL | TibL | OviL |
Females | |||||||
FL | 6.52ab | 4.33a | 28.6 | 9.11 | 29.6 | 30.6 | 9.83 |
(NA, 1) | (NA, 1) | (NA, 1) | (NA, 1) | (NA, 1) | (NA, 1) | (NA, 1) | |
GAL | 5.99b | 3.86a | 26.0 | 8.07 | 25.9 | 26.6 | 10.7 |
(0.23, 5) | (0.13, 5) | (0.67, 5) | (0.34, 5) | (0.49, 5) | (0.59, 5) | (0.38, 5) | |
NC | 7.05ab | 4.58a | 28.0 | 9.63 | 29.9 | 31.0 | 11.0 |
(NA, 1) | (NA, 1) | (NA, 1) | (NA, 1) | (NA, 1) | (NA, 1) | (NA, 1) | |
SC | 6.60a | 4.12a | 26.6 | 8.12 | 27.6 | 28.7 | 9.93 |
(0.07, 17) | (0.08, 17) | (0.47, 13) | (0.25, 15) | (0.40, 15) | (0.40, 14) | (0.25, 17) | |
A. par | 6.96a | 4.52a | 25.8 | 7.81 | 27.1 | 28.3 | 9.9 |
(0.19, 3) | (0.07, 3) | (0.78, 3) | (0.27, 3) | (0.54, 3) | (0.68, 3) | (0.54, 2) | |
Males | |||||||
FL | 5.88ab | 4.01ab | 29.7a | 9.31ab | 28.0a | 28.8a | |
(0.05, 3) | (0.14, 3) | (0.72, 3) | (0.17, 3) | (0.38, 3) | (0.59, 3) | ||
GAL | 5.08b | 3.64b | 25.4cd | 7.83b | 23.3c | 25.1c | |
(0.14, 7) | (0.08, 7) | (0.70, 7) | (0.21, 7) | (0.11, 7) | (0.20, 7) | ||
NC | 5.84ab | 4.32a | 28.2ab | 9.32a | 27.3ab | 28.7ab | |
(0.04, 9) | (0.06, 9) | (0.21, 9) | (0.18, 9) | (0.38, 6) | (0.44, 6) | ||
SC | 6.03a | 4.00ab | 26.2bc | 8.21b | 27.1ab | 28.2ab | |
(0.09, 17) | (0.09, 17) | (0.44, 17) | (0.17, 17) | (0.42, 15) | (0.34, 15) | ||
A. par | 6.15a | 3.97ab | 23.8d | 7.71b | 25.5bc | 26.6bc | |
(0.13, 8) | (0.08, 8) | (0.47, 8) | (0.25, 8) | (0.48, 8) | (0.41, 8) |
There were many differences in male size among some of the populations. Similar to our findings for female PrnL, GAL males also had significantly shorter PrnL (5.08±0.14 mm) than SC males (6.03±0.09 mm) and A. parvipennis males (6.15±0.13 mm). For nearly every morphological measurement (TegL, TegW, FemL, TibL), GAL and A. parvipennis were shorter than the other populations (Table
Because the functions of syllable rate and temperature between SC A. nr bartrami and A. parvipennis are so similar, it is important to compare the morphological traits among them. Male SC nr bartrami had significantly longer tegmina (TegL: 26.2±0.44 vs 23.8±0.47 mm, respectively) and significantly longer hindwing exposure (HwEx: 2.74±0.17 vs 0.89±0.34 mm, respectively) than A. parvipennis males. Hindwing exposure is one of the key characteristics distinguishing A. parvipennis from all eastern members of the rotundifolia complex (
Principal component analysis indicates morphological differences among the supposed populations of A. bartrami (
Principal Components Analysis on six morphological measures of males from supposed populations of A. bartrami and populations of A. parvipennis. (green: GAL: 7♂; red: FL: 3♂; blue: NC: 6♂; orange: SC: 13♂; black: A. parvipennis: 8♂). Shaded ellipses around the means encompass 95% of the expected values for each population. The first two dimensions of the analysis account for 84% of the variation among the morphological measures and clustering of populations showed significant relationships in the ordination of the two dimensions (Monte-Carlo test simulation, N=10000, p<0.0001).
Genetic variation.—Once sequences were processed and aligned, the lengths of consensus sequences were COI: 658 bp, H3: 333 bp, ITS1, ITS2, and 5.8S ribosomal genes = ITS3k: 3262 bp, TUB: 341 bp, and WNG: 371 bp. BLAST searches of each gene sequence, except for TUB, invariably matched those of Amblycorypha or other members of the Phaneropterinae (COI: all individuals >90% match to COI of Amblycorypha floridana [HQ983647.1, HQ983648.1, HQ983649.1], Amblycorypha oblongifolia [HQ983655.1, JN294610.1, KM532357.1, KM536809.1, KR144595.1] or Amblycorypha sp. [MG466233.1]; H3: all individuals 100% match to histone 3 gene of Amblycorypha sp. [KF571154.1]; ITS3k: all individuals >98% match to 28S Microcentrum rhombifolium or Scudderia furcata; WNG: all individuals >99% match to WNG Amblycorypha longinicta [KU550854.1] or Amblycorypha sp. [KF571288.1]. There was no genetic variation in H3 among all samples; therefore, we did not include H3 sequences in any further analyses. For all individuals sequenced, TUB sequences matched tubulin-alpha I sequences of members in the Tettigoniidae, with 11 individuals matching (85–97% identical) sequences in the Phaneropterinae (Syntechna and Trigonocorypha), 11 individuals matching (79–80% identical) Lipotactes maculatus (Lipotactinae), and one individual matching 82% of the tubulin-alpha I sequence of Kuzicus megaterminatus (Meconematinae). Because these matches for TUB were so varied, we ran the *BEAST2 analyses with and without TUB sequences included.
Multiple runs of our multispecies coalescent analyses produced identical phylogenetic topologies with only small differences in the posterior probabilities at the nodes. Effective sample sizes (ESS) for every parameter of the models were always over 1500.
Gene trees.—Gene trees based on COI, ITS3k, and WNG sequences were similar to the species trees generated in our analysis (
Gene trees based on Bayesian multi-locus coalescent analyses. Numbers in branches are the Bayesian posterior probabilities from the analysis. Colored rectangles represent song morphs identified by relationships of syllable rate and temperature (green: GAL; red: FL; blue: NC; orange: SC; black: A. parvipennis). A. Cytochrome Oxidase I, barcoding gene (COI: 658bp); B. ITS1, ITS2, and 5.8S ribosomal genes (ITS3k: 3262bp). C. Tubulin-alpha I nuclear gene (TUB: 341bp). D. Wingless nuclear gene (WNG: 371bp). Phylogenies were plotted using R package ggtree (
Phylogenetic relationships (population/species trees) based on multi-locus coalescent analyses for populations of A. bartrami and A. parvipennis. Branch numbers are the Bayesian posterior probabilities for members in that lineage. Time shown is substitutions per site. Both topologies are robust across several analyses with different random starting points. A. Analysis for all populations sampled; B. Analysis for putative species (song morphs) based on relationships of syllable rate with temperature. Phylogenies were plotted using R package ggtree (
Our gene tree for COI using the Bayesian coalescent approach showed high support for most populations (AL, GA, NC, SCG, AR A. parvipennis, MO A. parvipennis with all posterior probabilities >0.97,
Support values for our ribosomal gene trees were variable. The tree supported monophyly of A. parvipennis (posterior = 1.0), grouped the two individuals from South Carolina together (SCA and SCE, posterior probability = 0.98), grouped two of the SCG individuals with all North Carolina individuals (posterior probability = 1.0), grouped all GA individuals with most of the AL individuals, and grouped the two FL individuals (posterior probability = 0.79) (
The gene trees for our nuclear sequences (TUB and WNG) differed more from the population/species trees than the COI and ITS3k gene trees. Interestingly, the A. parvipennis populations clustered in the middle of both gene trees (
Species/population trees.—The output of our coalescent analyses (trees with maximum clade credibility) indicated genetic divergences among all populations that we sampled (
When the analysis was done with individuals grouped by calling song information (
Phylogeography.—The phylogeographic relationships among the populations we studied indicate that proximity of populations is related to the genetic distances among them (
Phylogeography of ‘A. bartrami’. Phylogenies were determined by a Bayesian multi-locus multi-species coalescent model using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo process. A. Phylogeographic distribution of sampled populations of supposed A. bartrami (AL, FL, GA, NC, and SC) and A. parvipennis; B. Phylogeographic distribution of song morphs that differed in syllable rates as a function of temperature. Plots were constructed using function of the R package phytools (
Amblycorypha in North America have been assigned to three species groups based on morphology (
The populations we studied in this paper are in the rotundifolia complex and were originally considered members of A. bartrami because of similarities in their calling song (consisting of a series of single syllables with short bouts of syllables leading up to a longer sustained series with a rate of about 10–13 syllables per sec), their morphology, and their habitat (longleaf pine, turkey oak sandhills). Our analyses show that there are significant differences in calling songs, morphology, and genetics between some of these populations.
Song variation.—The songs of A. bartrami, A. nr bartrami, and A. parvipennis are relatively simple and have only a single syllable type. They do not exhibit the extreme song complexity of the virtuoso katydids (Walker et al. 2004), which have 4 syllable types usually produced in sequence but can be quite varied in their order, for example, A. longinicta (
Among cryptic species complexes in the phaneropterines, changes in syllable rates as a function of temperature are often used to recognize species (
Isolation and population spatial structure.—Spatially structured populations may be caused by variation and heterogeneity in the landscape and depend on adaptation to the local environment and variation in the strength of gene flow across that landscape (
Genetic variation: Gene trees vs species trees.—Discordance between gene trees and species trees can be caused by various evolutionary processes, including incomplete lineage sorting, gene duplication, hybridization, and gene flow (
Nuclear mitochondrial pseudogenes (numts) may be co-amplified with COI. These pseudogenes are difficult to detect and may influence barcoding results. Mitochondrial pseudogenes occur in a wide diversity of Orthoptera.
In addition to COI, we sequenced the 5.8S ribosomal gene and internal transcribed spacers ITS1 and ITS2. ITS1 and ITS2 sequences have been useful in finding species-level differences in some insect groups, including katydids.
Tubulin-alpha I genes have evolved through gene duplication in insects, and paralogues of tubulin may have different sequences (
Including nuclear, ribosomal, and mitochondrial genes in our analysis probably improved our overall understanding of the relationships among the populations we studied. Our results were similar to those of
Songs and diversity.—In phaneropterines, speciation may begin as the result of sexually selected changes occurring in the song structure of local populations that cause divergence (
Small changes in timing and temporal song structure are enough to cause behavioral isolation in phaneropterines. Female Mecopoda elongata from populations that ‘chirp’ distinguish between trilling and double chirp songs (
Flightlessness, which probably decreases gene flow, may increase the rates of divergence among populations.
Taxonomy.—Based on our work and the differences in song, morphology, and genetics that we found among the populations we studied, we describe three new species of round-winged katydids: A. carolina sp. nov., A. peedee sp. nov., and A. tallapoosa sp. nov.
Tettigoniidae Krauss, 1902
Phaneropterinae Burmeister, 1838
Amblycoryphini Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878
Amblycorypha oblongifolia (De Geer, 1773).
Holotype: USA • ♂; South Carolina, Georgetown, Hobcaw Barony, Kings Rd; 33.3480°N, 79.227°W; 5 Jun. 2009; T.G. Forrest and L.D. Block leg.; Anb-M04-2009; DNA (MS-034) NCBI accession SAMN31929333; REC (2009 Tape02 PGM 1023); UNCA to be transferred to FSCA.
Allotype: USA • ♀; South Carolina, Georgetown, Hobcaw Barony, Kings Rd; 33.3480°N, 79.2271°W; 5 Jun. 2009; T.G. Forrest and L.D. Block leg.; Anb-F03-2009; DNA (MS-004) NCBI accession SAMN31929331; REC (2009 Tape02 PGM 1024 duet with M06), REC (2009 Tape02 PGM 1025 duet with M02); UNCA to be transferred to FSCA.
Paratypes: (16♂, 16♀) USA • 1♀, 1♂; South Carolina, Aiken Co; 14 May 2008; J.D. Spooner leg.; UNCA to be transferred to FSCA • 1♀; South Carolina, Aiken Co; 24 May 2008; J.D. Spooner leg.; UNCA to be transferred to FSCA • 1♀, 1♂; South Carolina, Aiken Co; 30 May 2008; J.D. Spooner leg.; UNCA to be transferred to FSCA • 2♀, 3♂; South Carolina, Aiken Co; 4 Jun 2008; J.D. Spooner leg.; UNCA to be transferred to FSCA • 1♂; South Carolina, Aiken Co; 27 May 2019; T.G. Forrest leg.; UNCA to be transferred to FSCA • 2♀, 1♂; South Carolina, Edgefield Co; 21 May 2008; J.D. Spooner leg.; UNCA to be transferred to FSCA • 3♂; South Carolina, Edgefield Co; 24 May 2010; J.D. Spooner leg.; UNCA to be transferred to FSCA • 6♀, 1♂; South Carolina, Edgefield Co; 5 Jun. 2007; J.D. Spooner leg.; UNCA to be transferred to FSCA • 3♀, 5♂; South Carolina, Georgetown Co; 5 Jun. 2009; T.G. Forrest and L.D. Block leg.; UNCA to be transferred to FSCA.
4♂, 4♀ from
Holotype: PrnL: 6.1, PrnW: 4.4, TegL: 28.0, TegW: 8.9, HwEx: 2.2, FemL: 28.2, and TibL: 29.7 mm (
This species is named for its geographic location within South Carolina, north of the Savannah River and south of the Pee Dee River.
Carolina round-winged katydid.
Members of this species are best distinguished from other members of the rotundifolia species group and from A. bartrami, in particular by calling song. Syllable rates as a function of temperature are ~5.8s-1 at 25°C (
Individuals are typically green and have all attributes of members of the rotundifolia complex of Amblycorypha (
Holotype: USA • ♂; North Carolina, Richmond Co., Sandhills Gamelands; 35.0528°N, 79.6035°W; 1 Jul. 2006; T.G. Forrest leg.; Ambar?-M03-2006; DNA (MS-044) NCBI accession SAMN31929325; REC (2006 Tape01 PGM 04); UNCA to be transferred to FSCA.
Allotype: USA • ♀; North Carolina, Richmond Co., Sandhills Gamelands; 35.06139°N, 79.63982°W; 16 Jul. 2004; T.G. Forrest leg.; Ambar?-F01-2004; DNA (NA); REC (NA); UNCA to be transferred to FSCA.
Paratypes: (8♂, 0♀) USA • 1♂; North Carolina, Richmond Co.; 16 Jul. 2004; T.G. Forrest leg.; UNCA to be transferred to FSCA • 6♂; North Carolina: Richmond Co.; 1 Jul. 2006; T.G. Forrest leg.; UNCA to be transferred to FSCA • 1♂; North Carolina, Richmond Co.; 19 Jul. 2007; T.G. Forrest leg.; UNCA to be transferred to FSCA.
2♂, 0♀: North Carolina specimens from
Holotype: PrnL: 5.9, PrnW: 4.45, TegL: 27.8, TegW: 10.0, HwEx: 3.9, FemL: 27.2, TibL: 28.8mm (
This species is named for its geographic location, with populations north of the Pee Dee River, which isolates it from populations of A. carolina.
Pee Dee round-winged katydid.
Amblycorypha peedee is best distinguished from other species in the rotundifolia complex by calling song. Syllables are almost always produced in doublets with syllable rates within doublets of about 11.6s-1 at 25°C (
Individuals are typically green with characteristics of the rotundifolia complex of Amblycorypha (
Holotype: USA • ♂; Alabama, Cleburne Co., Heflin, Talladega Nat Forest, CR 548; 33.78012°N, 85.52666°W; 2 Jun. 2007; T.G. Forrest leg.; Ambar-M05j-2007; DNA (MS-030) NCBI accession SAMN31929312; REC (2007 Tape03 PGM 10); UNCA to be transferred to FSCA.
Allotype: USA • ♀; Alabama, Cleburne, Pinhoti Trl, Coleman Lake; 33.78624°N, 85.56705°W; 2 Jun. 2007; T.G. Forrest leg.; Ambar-F02j-2007; DNA (MS-144) NCBI accession SAMN31929311; REC (2007 Tape03 PGM 05 duet with AmuGA-M01j-2007), REC (2007 Tape03 PGM 07 duet with Ambar-M04j-2007), REC (2007 Tape03 PGM 10 duet with Ambar-M05j-2007); UNCA to be transferred to FSCA.
Paratypes: (6♂, 4♀) USA • 1♂; Alabama, Cleburne Co.; 2 Jun. 2007; T.G. Forrest leg.; UNCA to be transferred to FSCA • 1♂ Alabama, Cleburne Co.; 3 Jun. 2007; T.G. Forrest leg.; UNCA to be transferred to FSCA • 2♂; Georgia, Gordon Co.; 9 Jul. 2005; J.A. Hamel and T. Richardson leg.; UNCA to be transferred to FSCA • 2♀, 1♂; Georgia, Gordon Co.; 5 Jul. 2006; T.G. Forrest leg.; UNCA to be transferred to FSCA • 2♀, 1♂; Georgia, Gordon Co.; 1 Jun. 2007; T.G. Forrest leg.; UNCA to be transferred to FSCA.
One specimen from
Holotype: PrnL: 4.9, PrnW: 3.4, TegL: 24.3, TegW: 7.7, HwEx: 3.3, FemL: 23.7, TibL: 25.5mm (
Tallapoosa round-winged katydid
This species is named for its geographic location, with populations north of the Tallapoosa River and within the boundaries formed by its confluence with the Coosa River.
Although most of the size measurements of this species are smaller than the other eastern species we studied in this project (Table
Individuals have all the characteristics typical of the rotundifolia complex (
More data from other geographic locations would help resolve several interesting questions. For example, why do populations of A. carolina differ so much genetically among the three sites we sampled in South Carolina? Also, it would be important to sample katydids on each side of the major rivers to determine the degree of isolation and reduction of gene flow. This would be particularly interesting around 1) the Pee Dee River where the doublet songs of A. peedee are found north of the river (Hoke Co., Richmond Co., Moore Co., NC) but not south of the river (Stanley Co., NC), 2) on either side of the Savannah River where song rates of A. carolina are much slower to the north (Edgefield Co., Aiken Co., and Georgetown Co., SC) than they presumably are to the south in GA, and 3) in AL where the calling songs of A. tallapoosa have fast rates in the region between the Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers (Cleburne Co.) but have rates similar to FL A. bartrami farther south and west (Perry Co., AL see pink in
We want to thank Linda Block, DE Dussourd, and Jen Hamel for their help with recording and collecting in the field. TGF and JDS express our sincere gratitude to Tom Walker for his generous support for our research and for his continued support to the Orthopterist community. Professor Klaus-Gerhard Heller offered helpful suggestions that improved the paper. TGF thanks Sue, Justin, and Kelsey for their patience and quiet during recording sessions. We thank Tyler Richardson for providing access to collecting sites on private property in north Georgia and the Belle Baruch Marine Lab for access to longleaf pine sandhill sites on Hobcaw Barony in South Carolina. Denis Willett provided valuable suggestions on spectral analyses of songs. The UNCA Undergraduate Research Program provided grant funding to Micaela Scobie for her research project. Portions of this work were funded by grants from the Grass Foundation to TGF and through a Western Carolina University Grant to Brittania Bintz, Maria Diane Gainey, and Katherine G. Mathews. We appreciate the financial support from the Orthopterists’ Society for the publication of this paper.
Data type: xls
Explanation note: Spreadsheet with morphological measurements of specimens that are included in the paper.
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Explanation note: Spreadsheet with the acoustical measurements of song rates as a function of temperature for recordings in the paper.
Data type: xls
Explanation note: Spreadsheet containing counts of syllables for recordings in the paper.
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Explanation note: Spreadsheet showing the distance/dissimilarity matrices for spectral analyses in the paper.