Research Article |
Corresponding author: Holger Braun ( ) Academic editor: Klaus-Gerhard Heller
© 2022 Holger Braun, Glenn K. Morris.
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Braun H, Morris GK (2022) New species of awl-head katydids, Cestrophorus and Acanthacara, from the Andes of Ecuador (Orthoptera, Conocephalinae, Cestrophorini). Journal of Orthoptera Research 31(2): 143-156.
The Cestrophorini are small katydids of Ecuador’s montane rainforest bearing a prominent awl-shaped fastigium verticis. They are unusual among Conocephalinae in lacking pre-tympanic ear chambers: their eardrums are exposed on their fore tibiae. There are presently two genera, Cestrophorus Redtenbacher, 1891 and Acanthacara Scudder, 1869. Awl-head habitat includes both climax forest and anthropogenically disturbed areas (e.g., pastures, roadsides) on lower slopes in the drainage of the volcanoes Aliso, Chiles and Tungurahua. At night, males perch on low vegetation and stridulate to attract females. To three extant species, we add a further seven, two in Cestrophorus and five in Acanthacara. Male calling songs were recorded and analyzed for all three Cestrophorus species and for three of the Acanthacara spp. We describe and discuss the waveforms of their sinusoid and transient sound pulses in time and frequency domains.
bioacoustics, ear, fastigium, montane, sinusoid, song, spectrum, stridulation, transient
Dita Klimas and Glenn Morris made several trips to the Ecuadorean Andes (Fig.
Part of a map, República del Ecuador, Instituto Geográfico Militar; scale 1:1,000.000. Baños, north of the volcano Tungurahua, is bottom left. Papallacta is top left, just north of Volcan Antisana; Baeza is down-valley to the east. Cosanga the town and Río Cosanga are near map center, a few km beyond Baeza in the direction of Archidona.
A live male of A. incisa collected roadside just below the small settlement Pondoa on northern aspect of Volcán Tungurahua, July 1985. Locality in a field name is a bad idea: when what you have christened "Baeza Blackface" is apparently taken later near Baños and you have to reference it as Baños' Baeza Blackface, confusion is likely, especially when these specimens sort into more species later.
The holotype female of Acanthacara acuta Scudder, 1869 was collected in 1867 by the naturalist James Orton. As he recounts in The Andes and the Amazon, Or Across the Continent of South America (
In his 1891 monograph on Conocephalidae, Josef Redtenbacher names a conocephalid with superficial tympana: Cestrophorus paradoxus Redtenbacher, 1891. “Ausgezeichnet durch das offene Trommelfell an den Vorderschienen” [Distinguished by the open tympanum on the fore tibiae.] This species is based upon a lone male specimen labeled as from Madagascar. Label information is “Coll. B. v. Watt. Central Madagascar Dr. H. Dohrn”. A very effective colored drawing of the specimen given in Karny’s Genera Insectorum (1912, plate 8, item 16) is reproduced here (Fig.
We present nine species of Cestrophorini; all but one, Cestrophorus amplitenuis sp. nov., are from the drainage of volcanoes Aliso and Tungurahua, including probable males of Acanthacara acuta. We have examined a set of photographs of the A. acuta type female, kindly provided by Piotr Naskrecki and of higher resolution than those previously available on the Orthoptera Species File Online (
Calling song analyses of three of these cestrophorines comprised a poster paper by GKM in 1987 at the VIth International Meeting on Insect Sound and Vibration at Odense, Denmark. At the time, these species were planned to belong to a new genus “Gymnacoustes”, a reference to their naked tympana. The ISV poster’s ‘Gymnacoustes isoharmonicus’ (here reproduced as Fig.
A superficially similar undescribed conocephaline from montane areas on the slopes of Volcán Pichincha (near Quito) is readily distinguished from Cestrophorini by its possession of slitted pre-tympanal chambers and a large subnotal resonance chamber formed from the pronotal metazona. This insect is termed "Agraeciine x" by
Dita Klimas and GKM hunted perched katydids by sight at night, scanning by headlamp the vegetation bordering forest paths and taking photographs. The stridulation of tropical tettigoniids is not always useful in revealing a singer’s location, but we were also aided by heterodyne devices (‘bat detectors’). Specimens were captured by hand-herding into an insect net then transferred individually to small plastic jars. Some field recordings were made using a Sony Walkman tape recorder (WM D6C Stereo Cassette-Corder with an ECM 909 microphone) and are limited to the audio frequency range.
A subset of specimens were individually caged, maintained on pieces of apple, and transported alive via jet aircraft to Toronto, Canada. Here, as they called from a small cylindrical aluminum screen cage, their songs were recorded, with equipment reaching into the ultrasonic (Bruel & Kjaer ¼" microphone 4135 or 1/8"microphone 4138), onto a Racal Store 4 DS Instrumentation Tape Recorder running at 30”/s. The microphone output went initially to a B&K Impulse Precision Sound Level Meter 2204. This in-lab recording system responded to sound frequencies flat to 70 kHz. Room temperature was ~21°C.
Analysis of analog tape recordings began with digitization. A Krohn-Hite filter (Model 3202) band-passing 125–15000 Hz was employed to anti-alias sound frequencies input to a computer sound card via Cool Edit. The Racal playback was slowed by a factor of 8, so a Cool Edit sample rate of 22050 Hz sufficed to digitize any real-time ultrasonics. Output from the Sony Walkman recorder running in real time was digitized at 48000 samples per second. Fourier transforms were then calculated using the windowing spreadsheet DADiSP (DSP Development Corp.). Figures of time and frequency domain analyses were made using Corel Draw.
Repositories are the Museo de La Plata (
Small agraeciine-like conocephalines with fully exposed tympana. Tegmina in males covering up to the entire abdomen or reduced to about pronotum length; in females, rudimentary or absent. Coloration light yellowish brown to greenish, with whitish, dark brown, or black markings and patterns. Fastigium of vertex acutely pointed, from just projecting beyond antennal scapus to quite long, slightly downcurved or almost straight. Acoustic spiracle tiny, exposed below ventral margin of pronotum. Prosternum unarmed. Ovipositor of females about as long as head and pronotum combined, slightly upcurved (lower margin strongly curved, upper margin little curved or almost straight), moderately broad with acuminate tip. Inhabiting Andean foothills of Ecuador.
From original description: Greek κέστρο – Latin subula [shoemaker’s awl] and ϕέρω – fero [bear, carry], surely referring to the notable fastigium: “fastigium verticis articulo primo antennarum fere duplo longius, subulatum, decurvum” (
Small, robust to moderately compact. In males, pronotum posteriorly widened and metazona usually at least slightly elevated; male tegmina covering abdomen completely or leaving only tip exposed, left tegmen uniformly with coarse venation and long cubital vein occupying considerably more than half of total width. Male cerci short, broad, dorsally with obtuse medial lobe, below that terminating in acuminate inward curved spine, and ventrally at the base with another upcurved spine. Male subgenital plate with very short styli, almost looking like latero-terminal tips rather than separately articulated styli, sometimes completely reduced.
ECUADOR • ♂; Río Aliso; 4 Jul. 2003; G.K. Morris leg.;
Robust with fastigium projecting well beyond scapus. Males with contrasting coloration: fastigium blackish, dorsal surface of pronotum medially dark, in prozona and metazona blackish, in metazona broadly trapezoideal and fringed by a pair of ovoid elongate whitish lateral maculae (Fig.
Cestrophorus spp. male genitalia compared. A. White pronotal maculae of C. paradoxus; B. Parameres of C. paradoxus ‘upside-down dancing anteaters’; C. Dorsal aspect C. ditachus parameres; D. Lateral view of C. ditachus paramere; E. Photo of terminalia of C. amplitenuis; F. Lateral aspect of C. amplitenuis paramere.
Male: midline pronotum 4.6 mm, fastigium verticis 1.8 mm, tegmina 9.2 mm; female: midline pronotum 3.8 mm, fastigium verticis 1.7 mm (based on two specimens, no apparent variation in size).
All specimens—in February 1988 and again in July 2003—were taken from beside a forest path tracing the south bank of the Río Aliso upstream; the site is reached by a (very) secondary road branching west from the main highway just before the town of Cosanga. About 3 km along this sideroad is the lodge Cabañas San Isidro; a few km farther on, a posted sign at an iron bridge identifies the Río Aliso.
(‘Gymnacoustes ditachus’ Morris, 1987)
Holotype: ECUADOR • ♂; old Baeza; 11 Jul. 1985; G.K. Morris leg.; SN-2,
Named for its two-part, two-pulse-rate, song structure, readily apparent to the human ear in real time. Greek δι di [two], ταξηοσ tachos [speed]. This insect is also named (inadvertently but deservedly) for Dita Klimas, katydid field photographer extraordinaire.
More slender and uniformly colored than C. paradoxus, with shorter tegmina. General coloration pale greenish; in males, metazona of pronotum with brown trapezoidal spot fringed by elongate whitish lateral spots. Male tegmina leaving abdomen tip exposed. Females uniformly greenish and apterous. Male cerci with obtusely triangular dorsal lobe (internally with inconspicuous toothlet at the tip) and robust inward-curved acuminate spine, baso-ventral spine with broad base and tapering in perpendicularly upcurved tip; above it on same lobe, another short spine (difficult to see). Styli completely reduced.
Male: midline pronotum 4.3 mm, fastigium verticis 1.7 mm, tegmen 7.5 mm, hind tibiae 8.6 mm; female: midline pronotum 4.1 mm, hind tibiae 9.7 mm, ovipositor 8.7 mm (based on holotype and one paratype).
We hunted in light rain at the [historic pre-earthquake] townsite of Baeza, along a muddy rock-strewn trail fenced by barbed wire, uphill beyond the hospital and cemetery on the night of July 10, 1985. We recorded and captured one male ‘agraeciine’ of “pearly pale cast”, [like C. paradoxus] with white maculae prominent laterad on its pronotal metazona, its very pale greenish tegmina shorter than the abdomen, and its eardrums not recessed behind slits [field name ‘glassy tegmina’]. This specimen is now the holotype male. On July 11, GKM recorded another singer up the eastern branch of the trail above Baeza but failed to capture him.
On July 25, 1985, we drove from Quito and parked part way up Volcán Tungurahua at signed "ecological reserve" hut under construction, below Pondua. Many C. ditachus sp. nov. were heard singing from shrubby vegetation scattered about a pasture (never a bovid seen). GKM “recorded a male singing from well above my head in a clump of bamboo and one small hardwood tree. After recording, we bent the bamboo down and searched the foliage with our lights,” finding and capturing the presumed singer. “As we left the immediate vicinity of the road and climbed several hundred feet, the incidence of [C. ditacus sp. nov.] singers declined to zero. They had ceased calling by 10:30 pm. Chilly and soon one could only hear single quiet lisps recurring at intervals of several seconds, presumably Acanthacara incisa.”
Holotype: ECUADOR • ♂; Prov. Carchi, hwy 182, e. of Maldonado; 16 Apr. 1990; G.K. Morris leg.;
Named in reference to the ‘dying fall’ of each call’s amplitude: each song emission begins as intense sinusoids that then diminish (Fig.
As C. ditachus, more slender than C. paradoxus. Fastigium short and projecting only a little beyond scapus. General coloration light amber; in males. dorsal surface of pronotum medially dark brown, with whitish lateral fringes, especially in metazona. Male tegmina slender, almost as long as abdomen but leaving tip exposed. Females apterous. Male cerci with obtusely truncated dorsal lobe and acuminate terminal spine; ventro-internal process uniformly thin, fairly long, and slightly twisted.
Male: midline pronotum 4.4 mm, fastigium verticis 1.1 mm, tegmen 7.3 mm, hind tibia 9.1 mm; female: midline pronotum 4.0 mm, fastigium verticis 1.2 mm, hind tibia 9.5 mm, ovipositor 6.7 mm (based on holotype and one paratype).
A road (182) runs west along the Colombian border from Tulcán to Maldonado and beyond. The insects were taken roadside roughly 50 km west of Tulcán. After Tofino, the road climbs the slope of Volcán Chiles into paramo dotted with tall columnar "grey friar" plants. Their flowers are like small sunflowers in clusters. The road was (still is?) a single lane of rough winding dirt that favors switchbacks. We descended into a col of the volcano and passed a strangely colored lake with the strong smell of sulfur in the air. The light was beginning to fade as we crossed a height of land on the west side of the volcano and began to steadily descend. After proceeding downhill for several kilometers, we left the paramo but were not yet into forest. We stopped here to listen, the road bordered by shrubs and sedge, and heard singing.
Not mentioned in the original description; probably derived from Greek άκανθα – ácantha [thorn] and, as in Cestrophorus, certainly referring to the vertex being “prolonged into a sharply pointed, long and curved thorn” (
Habitus more slender compared to Cestrophorus, with more delicately thin and elongate fastigium verticis. Tegmina not much longer than the narrower and more elongate pronotum; in males, the left tegmen with distinctively developed stridulatory area with transparent fields, the vein with the stridulatory file underneath relatively short. Male cerci not conspicuously broad at base and male subgenital plate with distinct styli.
Small and slender, yellowish brown, brachypterous coneheads with strongly oblique face and prominent, almost straight or slightly recurved acuminate fastigium. Body length 17–22 mm; fastigium length almost twice the eye diameter. Pronotum shallow and rounded, dorsal contour flat or almost flat, posteriorly produced and in males diverging overtop bases of short tegmina that are of equal length or little longer than the pronotum, leaving at least half of the abdomen uncovered in live individuals. Stridulatory area of left tegmen subdivided in transparent fields usually free from venation: a speculum lies right behind the short cubital vein, and an adjacent lateral field lies left of this ‘mirror’. The cubital vein is fairly bulgy and occupies half or a little more of the total dorsal width of the tegmen. Females are apterous. The tiny acoustic spiracles are directed latero-posteriorly. All genicular lobes except the outer one of the fore tibiae armed. Male cerci at base moderately wide, with more or less prominent distal dorsal process and below that with another inward-directed process that sometimes has a more delicate ventral appendage. Male subgenital plate with short but distinct styli. Coloration ochre or light brown with extensive black markings on face and with darker brown and blackish markings and patterns on pronotum, abdomen and legs. Living in montane woodland.
All following diagnoses refer to males. Apart from the development of male tegmina, the species can be distinguished by the shape of male cerci. Measurements of the new species correspond to the holotypes (there is no significant variation among specimens of a particular species and there is little difference in the body size of all species). It is difficult to assign females to corresponding males. Below the species accounts, a key to all seven species is provided.
ECUADOR • 1 ♂; Río Aliso, nr San Isidro Resort, 2000 m; 2–6 Jul. 2003; G.K. Morris leg.;
Tegmina slightly longer than pronotum; venation at costal margin sometimes greenish. Pronotum sparsely pubescent and with contrasting coloration: lateral lobes dark, dorsal portion light with dark median markings on front and rear margin, sometimes separation of dark lobes and lighter dorsal portion developed as light medially restricted lateral stripes on disc. Last tergite shallowly emarginate. Cerci in dorsal portion elongate, inward-curved, and pointed; below that, another, slightly stronger and also inward-directed pointed branch, with dorsally slightly more sclerotized ridge, so the cerci look bifurcate in caudal view. Styli very short but distinctive, 1–2 times as long as wide.
Pronotum 4.2 mm, tegmina 5.1 mm, hind tibiae 9.1 mm.
Our three males are so similar to the female holotype of A. acuta that we consider them conspecific. Fastigium shape and coloration details of the body match very well (the type is unfortunately lacking all legs except its right middle leg). The female was collected by the naturalist James Orton somewhere between Quito and the Napo region (
Holotype: ECUADOR • ♂; San Isidro, nr Cosanga; 2–6 Jul. 2003; G.K. Morris;
Greek βραχύς – brachys [short] and κύμα – kyma [wave], a reference to the predominantly ultrasonic spectrum of the song (noun in apposition).
Fastigium almost straight, very tip slightly downcurved. Tegmina about as long as pronotum, stridulatory area of left tegmen with translucent fields occupying almost ¾ of total length, the bulgy vein with stridulatory file underneath barely longer than mirror width. Pronotum with small blackish median spot on anterior margin (sometimes surrounded by a pair of smaller spots) and up to five spots on the rear margin, the middle one being the most prominent and the most lateral ones contiguous with the dark coloration of the lateral lobes. Last tergite shallowly bilobate. Cerci with a small dorsal tip and terminating in a ventrally directed process. The dorsal tip is directed medially and obtusely pointed. The ventral process is S-shaped, curving first inward and then downward, with an acute tip.
Very similar to A. ridiculosa Gorochov, 2015 and distinguished by the following differences: no reticulation on mirror area of left tegmen (dense venation network in ridiculosa according to photo in
Pronotum 4.3 mm, tegmina 4.0 mm, hind tibiae 9.3 mm.
Holotype: ECUADOR • ♂; old Baeza; 10 Jul. 1985; G.K. Morris;
Named for the alternating acute-angle direction changes of the male cerci.
Very similar to preceding species, with slightly longer cubital vein (longer than width of mirror) and different cerci. Fastigium almost straight. Tegmina of same length as pronotum; pronotum with 1 or 3 small blackish spots on anterior margin and 3 larger spots on rear margin. Last tergite ending in two lobes. Cercus with pointed medial branch, rectangularly inward-directed; below that, another inward-directed process with thinner and downward-directed appendage terminating in acute spinule. The structures below the cerci, mentioned for the previous species (see notes on comparison with A. ridiculosa above), here have obtuse posterior tips.
Pronotum 4.0 mm, tegmina 4.3 mm, hind tibiae 7.6 mm.
Holotype: ECUADOR • ♂; old Baeza; 8 Apr. 1989; G.K. Morris; SN-2;
Greek dyo [dive], nessa [duck] – referring to shape of male cerci resembling a diving duck.
Fastigium slightly longer than in other species. Tegmina as long as pronotum. Pronotum with small blackish spot on front margin and more or less extensive spot on rear margin. Cerci with bulky and obtuse in- and upward-directed tip, below that with another half as bulky inward-directed process, which has a thin digitiform and pointed ventral appendage. Styli very short and looking like lateral tips of the subgenital plate.
Pronotum 4.5 mm, tegmina 3.9 mm, hind tibiae 9.6 mm.
(‘Gymnacoustes isoharmonicus’ –
Holotype: ECUADOR • ♂; Tungurahua, Pondoa; 16 Jul. 1985; G.K. Morris leg.; 85-2;
Dedicated to the aforementioned James Orton (1830–1877), Professor of Natural history at Vassar College in New York State, naturalist in South America (
Similar to the next species. Tegmina slightly longer than pronotum; dark markings on pronotum indistinct. Last tergite terminally truncate or with broad and shallow emargination (perhaps shrinkage artifact). Cerci with obtuse dorsal tip; below that with curved and tapering inward-directed process, ending with sharp and recurved spine, and above this with small and inconspicuous obtuse tip. Styli about twice as long as wide.
Pronotum 4.7 mm, tegmina 5.2 mm, hind tibiae 8.4 mm.
(‘Gymnacoustes unizip’
Holotype: ECUADOR • ♂; Tungurahua; 25 Jul. 1985; G.K. Morris leg.;
Referring to the significant midline emargination of the posterior margin of abdominal tergite IX. In an excess of caution, we are careful to avoid a species name relating to song— e.g., unizip, as given in the ISV poster—for both the preceding A. ortoni and A. incisa. The two sing in earshot of each other and solitary vs. doubled zips easily distinguish their songs, but some confusion in field naming might have led to misapplication of song to these species.
Similar to previous species. Tegmina almost twice as long as pronotum. Pronotum with blackish spot on prozona and posteriorly diverging blackish spot on metazona, both spots connected by more narrow dark coloration in between. Last tergite with deep narrow cleft, wider in distal portion, and the lobes formed by this division with inward-directed tips sporting tiny teeth. Cerci with obtuse dorsal tip as in previous species; below that, with curved inward-directed process; ending also sort of two-tipped, with the lower tip developed as short spinule. Styli almost twice as long as wide.
Pronotum 5.0 mm, tegmina 6.3 mm, hind tibiae 8.4 mm.
1 | Cerci more or less uniformly bifurcate, with pointed dorsal branch and more prominent pointed ventral branch, both branches directed medially | A. acuta Scudder, 1869 |
– | Cerci with obtuse or pointed dorsal tip and differently modified ventral portion | 2 |
2 | Cerci with more or less pointed dorsal tip and ventral branch ending in a downward projecting and acuminate tip | 3 |
– | Cerci with obtuse or little developed dorsal tip, ventral process directed medially; if there are downward-projecting processes, they are clearly set apart from the rest of the ventral branches and much thinner than the latter | 5 |
3 | Mirror of left tegmen with venation network | A. ridiculosa Gorochov, 2015 |
– | Mirror of left tegmen without reticulation | 4 |
4 | Cerci with small pointed inward-directed dorsal tip and long ventral process, which is first directed medially and then turns into a downward-projecting acute tip, the horizontal portion being longer than the downward tip | A. brachycyma sp. nov. |
– | Cerci with robust pointed inward-directed dorsal tip, the ventral process first directed medially and slightly forward, and then sharply bent perpendicularly downward, ending in an acute tip; the surface of the horizontal portion with microscopic sclerotized toothlets and downward portion longer than horizontal portion in caudal view | A. zigzag sp. nov. |
5 | Tegmina as long or shorter than pronotum, cerci with broadly rounded dorsal tip and distinctive ventral branch, consisting of a sturdy and obtuse medially-directed process with a thin downward-projecting appendage, the latter originating slightly before the obtuse tip of the former | A. dyonessa sp. nov. |
– | Tegmina longer than pronotum, dorsal tip of cerci indistinct, ventral branch directed medially and tapering into two-tipped end, the ventral tip developed as an acute spine (without downward projecting part) | 6 |
6 | Last tergite uniformly light ochreous with caudal margin entire | A. ortoni sp. nov. |
– | Last tergite with black anterior third and deep medial emargination | A. incisa sp. nov. |
The mechanical basis of forewing stridulation by katydids is a scraper contacting file teeth to make tegminal speculae oscillate at ‘multiplied’ frequencies (e.g., Xiphelimum amplipennis Morris, Braun & Wirkner, 2016). The diverse sound-pulse patterns thus produced are usefully (for taxonomists) species diagnostic. For each species, time-domain song structure resolves as a relatively stereotyped series of discrete sound pulses, manifesting as distinctive spectra in the frequency domain. Simple sinusoid pulses, sustained in amplitude over several oscillations, will appear spectrally as one to a few peaks of stronger central tendency, i.e., higher Q. More complex transient pulses, grouped in trains, each rapidly decaying from a maximal onset, will appear spectrally as a band of melded peaks tending to a band, i.e., to lower Q. Each transient pulse in a train is surely the acoustic effect of one file-tooth scraper interaction, but a more prolonged sinusoid pulse suggests driven specular oscillators generating at one tooth per wave, coupled or uncoupled (
The call of C. paradoxus (Fig.
Song of C. paradoxus is an ongoing sequence of lisp pairs. A. Sequence at low time resolution showing two complete pairs; B. A lisp at higher resolution reveals its composition as a long train of >25 discrete rapid-decay pulses; C. Three pulses showing stereotyped waveform detail; D. Power spectrum of C. paradoxus with frequencies confined to the audio range in a narrow band 8–13 kHz.
The song of C. ditachus (Fig.
Field-recorded song (Sony Walkman, audio range only) of C. ditachus: trains of pulses characterized by two different pulse rates, slower (SPR) and faster (FPR). A. Two complete calls taken from an ongoing sequence. Single SPR train prefaces a 9 FPR-train sequence; B, D. FPR trains at higher time resolutions showing waveform of rapid-decay pulses; C, E. SPR train at higher time resolution showing waveform of rapid-decay pulses; F, G. Audio-limited spectra of FPR and SPR respectively; spectra unaffected by scraper speed, peaking at 6–10 kHz.
Each call of C. amplitenuis is a sinusoidal sustained pulse (Fig.
Song of C. amplitenuis. A. Regular well-spaced call series; B. C. The same call at two levels of time resolution; each emission a prolonged sinusoid wavetrain of quite variable amplitude envelope falling-away; D. Audio peak near 11 kHz, spectrum almost without ultrasonics; the sinusoid-tending call is also apparent in the relatively high peakedness, of the spectrum. Lab recording at 21.3°C.
The three Cestrophorus spp. call loudly in the audio and lack any appreciable ultrasonic spectral component. But songs of the three Acanthacara all have significant ultrasonic spectral components. A. brachycyma has its most intense output at 30 kHz (Fig.
The call of A. ortoni is heard by a human listener as a sequence of double zips produced at a call rate of 2.2/s at 20.8°C (Fig.
Song of A. ortoni. A. Four double-zip emissions; B. Higher resolution of first call of record above; C. Cusped waveform characteristic of the interplay of two nearly equal harmonics; time sample taken from the prolonged pulse that ends each zip. This wave feature is the basis of the stillborn name ‘isoharmonicus’ as used by GKM in his 1987 ISV Poster in Denmark; see Fig.
A waterfall display of the double zip of A. ortoni, together with its cusped subequal harmonic waveform, is shown for a second specimen of A. ortoni (Fig.
Figure from 1987 ISV meeting abstract booklet showing a different A. ortoni specimen’s song analysis; the waveform shown at high resolution is characteristic of subequal harmonics. There remains the possibility that this call is not properly associated with A. ortoni but is the call of A. incisa; see below.
The call of A. incisa is a train of a half-dozen short sinusoid pulses successively falling in intensity, given as a single lisp every few seconds (Fig.
Song of A. incisa. A. Two single-lisp calls, seconds apart, taken from a sustained sequence; B. At higher time resolution, each call is seen to be a train of 5–6 pulses of fading intensity; C. A single pulse at very high resolution reveals its sinusoidal nature; D. The power spectrum suggests higher Q generator components with a strongly high-Q peak near 13 kHz and some lesser but significant ultrasonics of 20–28 kHz.
The species-distinctive songs of these cestrophorine species are a typical mix of the familiar frequency domain and time domain physical features that recur in most tettigoniid genera: high-Q, broadband, audio, ultrasound, harmonic, inharmonic, pulses sustained, and pulses transient. But these typical conocephalid songs are listened to with unusual conocephalid ears: foreleg eardrums that are superficial and unoccluded and an acoustic spiracle (stigma) that is very small. Among conocephaloids, a naked ear is apparently unique to Cestrophorini and contrasts with the diverse tympanal coverings—“slits, resonators, pinnae” (
Beyond mechanical protection, a suggested acoustic function of these pretympanal structures is as ultrasonic wave guides, adding precision to the pressure gradient localization of short-wavelength—ultrasonic—sounds (
It remains puzzling why the unoccluded tympana are combined with such small auditory spiracles. A narrow ear canal reduces sound velocity and, along with its asymmetric bifurcation near the individual tympana, creates different sound paths for each ear, all of which could help to pinpoint the direction of the sound (
The authors thank Dita Klimas for her photography, translation, and for confronting the Extranjería bureaucrat in her cage. Others to whom we are indebted are Roberta Fulthorpe, James Fullard, George Glenn, Andrew Mason, Piotr Naskrecki, Fernando Montealegre-Z, Giovanni Onore, Dan Otte, and Peter Wall. We acknowledge the constructive criticism of two referees.