Research Article |
Corresponding author: Seiji Tanaka ( ) Academic editor: Michel Lecoq
© 2019 Seiji Tanaka, Toyomi Kotaki, Yudai Nishide, Amel Ben-Hamouda, Khemais Abdellaoui, Mohamed Abdallahi Bahah Ebbe, Sidi Ould Ely.
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Tanaka S, Kotaki T, Nishide Y, Ben-Hamouda A, Abdellaoui K, Ebbe MAB, Ely SO (2019) Effects of water extracts of frass from three locust species and various plants on oviposition and embryonic development in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Journal of Orthoptera Research 28(2): 195-204.
The water extract of desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, frass collected in the wild had an oviposition inhibitory (OI) effect when mixed with sand and presented to adults. Likewise, the leaves of six plant species, as well as frass produced by desert locusts fed with these plants, exerted OI effects when compared with the control sand wetted with water alone. In general, frass extracts had a greater OI effect than the extracts of leaves. The OI effect was also observed when adult desert locusts were exposed to extracts of frass produced by two other locusts, the Bombay locust, Nomadacris succincta, and the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, fed with rescue grass, Bromus catharticus. Among the three species of locust, desert locust and migratory locust frass exerted a greater OI effect than Bombay locust frass. Frass samples extracted with hot and cool water produced similarly high OI effects, indicating that bacterial involvement during extraction is unlikely. Hatching rates of desert locusts were significantly reduced by extracts of all of the above mentioned frass when the extracts were mixed with sand and used to incubate the eggs. In contrast, the lethal effects of leaf extracts on the hatching rates varied depending on the plant species. The embryos became deformed within four days when three-day-old eggs were incubated in sand containing frass extracts from desert locusts fed with rescue grass, whereas no apparent morphological changes were observed when seven-day-old eggs were similarly tested, although their hatching rate was significantly reduced.
behavior, choice test, egg hatching, oviposition inhibitory effect, plague locust
The desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, is potentially the most destructive insect pest in the world. During the last major desert locust outbreak in 2003–2004, eight million people in the Sahel were affected, and crop losses caused by the locust infestation amounted to 80–100% of the expected yields (
The oviposition behavior and activity of acridid species are greatly influenced by soil properties such as water content (
Insects and plants.—The desert locust colony used in this study was originally collected in Niger in 2004 by Prof. H. J. Ferenz, and nymphs and adults were maintained in groups as previously described (
The plants supplied as feed were grown at research plots of the National Institute of Agro-biological Sciences at Ohwashi (NIASO) and the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), with the exception of the silver grass, which was collected in the field, and the romaine lettuce and cabbage, which were purchased from supermarkets.
Sample preparation and assay method.—The frass and cut leaves (1–2 cm2) used in the experiments were dried at a relative humidity of 10–40% for three days in the rearing room of NIASO. The frass used in the experiments were collected in the Tsukuba laboratory, except for the frass obtained from desert locusts reared on romaine lettuce at the High Agronomic Institute of Chott Mariem in Tunisia in 2016, and the frass collected under umbrella thorn trees, Acacia tortilis, at Boulenoir (21°14'23"N, 16°34'26"W) and Soueissiya (21°16'35"N, 16°44'55"W) in Nouadhibou, Mauritania, in 2016 and 2017, respectively.
Each frass or leaf sample (30 g in dry weight) was soaked in water (300 ml) overnight at room temperature, and the solution was filtered according to previously described methods (
The number of ovipositing females in cages varied from 20 to > 50, depending on age, and thus the number of egg pods laid varied from one experiment to another. The holes made by adult females and egg pods laid were counted daily, and the egg pods laid in the sand were removed. After removing the egg pods, the sand surface of each cup was cleaned and flattened. This procedure was repeated until a total of at least 20 egg pods were collected except for treatments in which sexually mature locusts dug many holes but laid only a few eggs into any sand cup at least for 4 days. Because ovipositing holes are easily filled when the sand is dry, the sand surface was sprayed with water every day. In this study, daily numbers of egg pods laid and ovipositing holes observed were compared between treatments. To obtain frass from locusts fed with various plants, the locusts were fed each plant for at least two days before collecting test frass for experiments.
To determine whether the OI factor was a result of bacterial activity during extraction, frass samples (30 g in dry weight) from desert locusts fed with B. catharticus were soaked in boiling water (300 ml) in a water bath for 3 min, and the solution was filtered as described above. After cooling for 7 min, the filtrated solution (hot water extract) was mixed with sterilized sand as described above. For comparison, another set of frass samples was soaked in water (300 ml) at room temperature for 10 min, and the solution was filtered and mixed with sand (cool water extract). Three sand cups containing hot water extract, cool water extract, and water were presented to locusts in the same cage and the numbers of egg pods laid and holes were recorded daily.
Effects of frass and leaf extracts on egg hatching rates.—Egg pods were first incubated in clean sand in vinyl cups (diameter, 3 cm; height, 4 cm) with a lid, and egg pods were usually incubated in five groups of 20 eggs. Egg pods were buried as a mass in the test sand or clean sand on days one, three, or seven. Egg pods were incubated at 30°C under constant illumination and checked for hatching every day until no more hatching was observed.
Measurements of egg widths and embryonic antennal lengths.—Maximum egg widths were measured for eggs incubated at 30°C using an ocular micrometer installed in a binocular microscope. Embryonic antennal lengths were similarly measured after 6–11 eggs were fixed in water at 90–100°C for 10 min and were subsequently dissected.
Data analyses.—The numbers of egg pods and oviposition holes were analyzed with a t-test or Tukey’s multiple range test after analysis of variance (ANOVA) using a statistics service available at The hatching percentages were analyzed with the generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), which was calculated by the function “lmer” of the program package lme4 using the software R version 3.4.2 (
OI effects of water extracts of desert locust frass collected under umbrella thorn trees in Mauritania.—Extracts of the two desert locust frass samples collected underneath umbrella thorn trees in Mauritania in 2016 and 2017 had similar effects on oviposition. Few or no egg pods were laid on average in the sand treated with frass extracts, whereas more than 5 pods were laid on average into the control sand kept in the same cages, and these differences were statistically significant (Fig.
Effects of water extracts of desert locust frass collected under umbrella thorn trees in the Mauritanian desert on the number of A., B. Egg pods laid, and C., D. Holes dug by adult female desert locusts presented with extracts mixed with sand. Frass were collected at sites #1 and #2 in 2016 and 2017, respectively. Two cups containing frass extracts (treated) and water (control) were simultaneously presented to locusts in each of two locust cages for seven or five days, and the data were combined. Numbers in parentheses indicate the total numbers of days observed. Bars on histograms indicate one standard deviation. Asterisks indicate a significant difference at the 5% level with a t-test. n.s. indicates no significant difference.
OI effects of water extracts of frass produced by locusts fed with romaine lettuce.—High OI activity was observed in extracts of frass produced by desert locusts fed with romaine lettuce in Tunisia. No egg pod was laid in the cups containing the extracts, whereas a daily average of 6.3 egg pods (94 pods in total) were laid in the control cups (t = –8.12, df = 14, p < 0.001; Fig.
Effects of water extracts of frass obtained from lab-reared desert locust fed with romaine lettuce in Tunisia on the number of A. Egg pods laid and B. Holes dug by adult female desert locusts presented with sand mixed with frass extracts. Two cups containing frass extracts (treated) and water (control) were simultaneously presented to locusts in each of two locust cages for seven or eight days, and the data were combined. Numbers in parentheses indicate the total numbers of days observed. Asterisks indicate a significant difference at the 5% level with a t-test. n.s. indicates no significant difference.
OI effect of water extracts of frass produced by desert locusts fed with various plants.—Fig.
Effects of water extracts of leaves of various plants and desert locust frass collected after locusts fed on these plants on the numbers of egg pods laid by adult female desert locusts presented with sand mixed with extracts. Sand wetted with water was also presented as a control. Three cups containing leaf, frass extract, and water (control) were simultaneously presented to locusts in one (A, C, D) or two locust cages (B, E, F) for three to five days, and the data were combined in (B), (E), and (F). Numbers in parentheses indicate the total numbers of days observed. Bars on histograms indicate one standard deviation. Different letters in each panel indicate significant differences at the 5% level with Tukey’s multiple comparison test. DG, Dactylis glomerata (orchard grass); BO, Brassica oleracea var. capitata (cabbage); SB, Sorghum bicolor (sorghum); LS, Lactuca sativa var. longifolia (romaine lettuce); BR, Brassica rapa var. perviridis (Japanese mustard spinach); MS, Miscanthus sinensis (silver grass).
The OI effects were compared between the extracts of frass and leaves. In this experiment, no water cup was included because, as shown in Fig.
Effects of water extracts of leaves of various plants and desert locust frass after locusts fed on these plants on the numbers of egg pods laid when extracts were mixed with sand and presented to adult female desert locusts. Two cups containing leaf and frass extracts were simultaneously presented to locusts in each of two locust cages for three to five days, and the data were combined. Numbers in parentheses indicate the total numbers of days observed. Bars on histograms indicate one standard deviation. Asterisks indicate significant differences at the 5% level with a t-test. n.s. indicates no significant difference. DG, Dactylis glomerata (orchard grass); BO, Brassica oleracea var. capitata (cabbage); SB, Sorghum bicolor (sorghum); LS, Lactuca sativa var. longifolia (romaine lettuce); BR, Brassica rapa var. perviridis (Japanese mustard spinach); MS, Miscanthus sinensis (silver grass).
OI effects of frass produced by other acridid species.—Frass obtained from rescue grass-fed Bombay locusts and migratory locusts exerted OI effects when the water extracts were mixed with sand and presented to adult desert locusts together with control sand wetted with water alone. In both experiments, when desert locusts were exposed to extracts of frass from the two locusts (Bombay and migratory locusts), few or no egg pods were laid in the treated sand, whereas approximately five egg pods were laid daily in the control sand (Fig.
Effects of water extracts of frass produced by A, B. Bombay locusts and C, D. Migratory locusts fed with rescue grass leaves on the numbers of egg pods laid (A, C) and holes dug (B, D) by adult female desert locusts presented with extracts mixed with sand. Two cups containing frass extract (treated) and water (control) were simultaneously presented to locusts in each of two locust cages, and the data were combined. Numbers in parentheses indicate the total numbers of days observed. Bars on histograms indicate one standard deviation. Asterisks indicate significant differences at the 5% level with a t-test. n.s. indicates no significant difference.
When water extracts of frass produced by the three locust species (desert, Bombay, and migratory locusts) were mixed with sand and presented to adult desert locusts simultaneously, the number of egg pods laid per day was significantly lower in treatments using the frass extracts from desert locusts and migratory locusts than in treatments using frass extracts from Bombay locusts (Fig.
Effects of water extracts of frass produced by desert locusts (Sg), migratory locusts (Lm), and Bombay locusts (Ns) fed with rescue grass leaves on the number of A. Egg pods and B. Holes dug by adult desert locusts presented with extracts mixed with sand. Three cups containing frass extracts of the three locust species were simultaneously presented to locusts in each of two locust cages (light and dark histograms) for seven days. Numbers in parentheses indicate the total numbers of days observed. Bars on histograms indicate one standard deviation. Different letters in each comparison (light or dark histograms) in (A) indicate significant differences at the 5% level with Tukey’s multiple comparison test. n.s. indicates no significant differences in each comparison with ANOVA (light or dark histograms).
OI effects of hot and cool water extracts of frass of desert locusts fed with rescue grass.—Desert locusts laid no egg pod into sand cups containing hot and cool water extracts during the 4-day observation period and laid a daily average of 6 egg pods into a sand cup containing water (Fig.
Effects of hot and cool water extracts of rescue grass-fed desert locust frass on the number of A. Egg pods laid and B. Holes dug by adult female desert locusts. Frass were extracted with boiling and cool water and the extracts were mixed with sand. Sand cups containing these extracts and water as a control were presented to locusts in the same cage for 4 days. Numbers in parentheses indicate the total numbers of days observed. Bars on histograms indicate one standard deviation. Different letters in (A) indicate significant differences at the 5% level with Tukey’s multiple comparison test. n.s. in (B) indicates no significant difference with ANOVA at the 5% level.
Effects of water extracts of frass and plants on desert locust egg hatching rates.—Water extracts of frass collected under umbrella thorn trees had a different effect on desert locust egg hatching rates than the control treatment did. The desert locust eggs treated with extracts of the frass sample collected in 2016 had a significantly lower hatching rate than the control eggs (Table
Effects of water extracts of desert locust frass fed with various plants (A–G) and water extracts of those plants (H–M) on egg hatching rates. Five or three groups of 20 eggs were buried in sand wetted with each extract and water alone (control) within three days after oviposition and were observed for hatching at 30°C. Comparisons with controls were made with GLMM. Frass collected under two umbrella thorn trees in 2016 and 2017 were designated as AT #1 and AT #2. LS, Lactuca sativa var. longifolia (romaine lettuce); DG, Dactylis glomerata (orchard grass); SB, Sorghum bicolor (sorghum); MS, Miscanthus sinensis (silver grass); BR, Brassica rapa var. perviridis (Japanese mustard spinach); BO, Brassica oleracea var. capitata (cabbage).
ID | Treatments | No. of eggs | Total no. of hatched eggs | Total no. of dead eggs | P value | ID | Treatments | No. of eggs | Total no. of hatched eggs | Total no. of dead eggs | P value |
Frass | Leaves | ||||||||||
A | AT #1 | 20 × 5 | 22 | 78 | 0.007 | AT #1 | ND | ||||
AT #2 | 20 × 5 | 55 | 45 | 0.563 | AT #2 | ND | |||||
Control | 20 × 5 | 61 | 39 | Control | ND | ||||||
B | LS | 20 × 5 | 5 | 95 | <0.001 | H | LS | 20 × 5 | 52 | 48 | 0.037 |
Control | 20 × 5 | 86 | 14 | Control | 20 × 5 | 86 | 14 | ||||
C | DG | 20 × 5 | 33 | 67 | 0.008 | I | DG | 20 × 3 | 83 | 17 | 0.945 |
Control | 20 × 5 | 80 | 20 | Control | 20 × 3 | 85 | 15 | ||||
D | SB | 20 × 5 | 10 | 90 | <0.001 | J | SB | 20 × 5 | 85 | 15 | 0.516 |
Control | 20 × 5 | 83 | 17 | Control | 20 × 5 | 91 | 9 | ||||
E | MS | 20 × 5 | 1 | 99 | <0.001 | K | MS | 20 × 5 | 85 | 15 | 0.202 |
Control | 20 × 5 | 94 | 6 | Control | 20 × 5 | 79 | 21 | ||||
F | BR | 20 × 5 | 0 | 100 | <0.001 | L | BR | 20 × 5 | 21 | 79 | <0.001 |
Control | 20 × 5 | 85 | 15 | Control | 20 × 5 | 73 | 27 | ||||
G | BO | 20 × 5 | 67 | 36 | <0.001 | M | BO | 20 × 5 | 64 | 36 | 0.002 |
Control | 20 × 5 | 33 | 64 | Control | 20 × 5 | 91 | 9 |
Effects of water extracts of frass produced by Bombay locusts and migratory locusts on desert locust egg hatching rates.—Incubating eggs in sand wetted with frass extracts from Bombay locusts and migratory locusts significantly reduced the hatching rate of desert locust eggs compared to the control treatment, i.e., eggs incubated in the sand wetted with water (Fig.
Effects of water extracts of rescue grass-fed Bombay locust (Ns) and migratory locust (Lm) frass on desert locust egg hatching rates. Five groups of 20 eggs were buried in sand wetted with each extract and water alone (control, C) within three days after oviposition and were observed for hatching at 30°C. Asterisks indicate significant differences at the 5% level with GLMM.
Effect of water extract of rescue grass-fed desert locust frass on embryonic development.—For the desert locust control eggs, the maximum egg widths on days one to three were similar (Fig.
Effects of water extracts of rescue grass-fed desert locust frass on A. Egg widths (mean ± SD; n = 10) and B. Antennal lengths of embryos (mean ± SD; n = 6–11). Eggs were incubated in sand wetted with the frass extract (treated) or water (control) on day three after oviposition at 30°C. C–F. Photographs show embryos observed on days 5 and 9. Triangles in (A) and (B) indicate the time when the treatment started. Vertical bars in C–F indicate 1 mm. White arrows indicate an embryonic antenna in C–E.
The mean antennal length (± SD) for the control embryos on day three was 0.16 ± 0.04 mm (n = 10), increased to 2.48 ± 0.27 mm by day 13, and subsequently leveled off.
In contrast, the embryos treated with the frass extract slightly increased their antennal length by day five, but no further elongation was observed through day 11 when the eggs darkened and some contained only amorphous embryos (Fig.
The incubation of eggs in the sand treated with frass extract and water alone, respectively, on day seven onward showed no significant difference on day 13 (the day before hatching) for either egg widths (t = 1.56, df = 18, p = 0.14; data not shown) or antennal lengths (t = 0.823, df = 10, p = 0.43; Suppl. material
Locusts ready to lay eggs must find a suitable site for oviposition. The ovipositing behavior consists of digging and laying eggs (
Locusts may dig holes in the soil but do not necessarily lay eggs (
It has been reported that frass of desert locusts fed with rescue grass contain a water-soluble factor that inhibits oviposition (
In the present study, five other plants (i.e., in addition to rescue grass) were separately fed to adult desert locusts, and the produced frass and leaves of each plant were tested for the OI effect by simultaneously presenting three sand cups containing extracts of the frass, extracts of the leaves, and only water (as a control) to locusts. The results were similar in all the plant species tested; few or no egg pods were laid in the sand cups containing frass and leaf extracts, and most or all egg pods were laid in the control cups. Similar results were observed when these extracts were separately presented to locusts with a control sand cup (Suppl. materials
The OI effect was also observed in extracts of frass obtained from two other locust species, i.e., Bombay locusts and migratory locusts, when tested on desert locusts. Water extracts of frass produced by both locust species fed with rescue grass almost completely inhibited oviposition by desert locusts. Among the water extracts made with frass obtained from the three locust species, those from desert locusts had the greatest OI effect, followed by those from migratory locusts and Bombay locusts when tested against adult desert locusts, although the difference between the first two was not statistically significant. In contrast, the number of holes dug was similar among the three extracts, indicating that the frass extracts did not differentially affect digging behavior in desert locusts.
As observed for the frass produced by desert locusts fed with rescue grass in a previous study (
The water extracts of rescue grass leaves do not affect egg hatching rates (
The frass extracts of rescue grass-fed desert locusts suppressed embryonic development when the eggs were incubated with sand mixed with the extracts three days after oviposition. All treated embryos remained in the anatrepsis stage, which is the stage before the embryo rotates inside the eggshell (
The ecological significance of the behavioral and developmental responses of S. gregaria to frass and leaf extracts observed in the present study is not clear. Although this phenomenon should be confirmed using wild locusts or a recently established laboratory colony, we observed similar OI effects of frass extracts in another laboratory strain derived from Ethiopia and in another locust, L. migratoria (Tanaka, S. unpublished observation). Therefore, the present results were not specific to the laboratory strain used.
In conclusion, inhibitory effects on oviposition and embryonic development in desert locusts were observed not only for the frass produced by laboratory-reared locusts, but also for the frass produced by locusts in the wild. The locust frass and leaves of seven plants tested so far, including rescue grass (
We thank Ms. Utako Takano, Mr. Shoichi Enoki, Ms. Hiroko Ikeda, and Dr. Ryohei Sugahara (NIASO and NARO) for their cooperation and assistance with rearing the locusts. We would like to thank Mr. Kameo Tsukada and Mr. Hirokazu Tomiyama (Field Management Section of NIASO and NARO) for growing the grass.
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Explanation note: Fig. S1. Effects of water extracts of desert locust frass after feeding on various plants on the numbers of egg pods laid when adult female desert locusts were presented with extracts mixed with sand.
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Explanation note: Fig. S2. Effects of water extracts of leaves of various plants on the numbers of egg pods laid when presented to adult female desert locusts mixed with sand.
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Explanation note: Fig. S3. Effects of water extracts of rescue grass-fed desert locust frass on antennal lengths of embryos (A, mean ± SD; n = 6–10).