Research Article |
Corresponding author: Aileen C. Thompson ( ) Academic editor: Juliana Chamorro-Rengifo
© 2017 Aileen C. Thompson, Corinna S. Bazelet, Piotr Naskrecki, Michael Samways.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Thompson AC, Bazelet CS, Naskrecki P, Samways MJ (2017) Adapting the Dragonfly Biotic Index to a katydid (Tettigoniidae) rapid assessment technique: case study of a biodiversity hotspot, the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. Journal of Orthoptera Research 26(1): 63-71.
Global biodiversity faces many challenges, with the conservation of invertebrates among these. South Africa is megadiverse and has three global biodiversity hotspots. The country also employs two invertebrate-based rapid assessment techniques to evaluate habitat quality of freshwater ecosystems. While grasshoppers (Acrididae) are known indicators of terrestrial habitats, katydids (Tettigoniidae) could be as well. Here, we adapt a South African freshwater invertebrate-based rapid assessment method, the Dragonfly Biotic Index (DBI), for the terrestrial katydid assemblage, and propose a new assessment approach using katydids: the Katydid Biotic Index (KBI). KBI assigns each katydid species a score based on a combination of: 1) IUCN Red List status, 2) geographic distribution, and 3) life history traits (which consist of mobility and trophic level). This means that the rarer, more localized, specialized and threatened katydid species receive the highest score, and the common, geographically widespread and Least Concern species the lowest. As a case study, we calculated KBI across one of South Africa’s global biodiversity hotspots, the Cape Floristic Region (CFR). We then correlated KBI/Site scores of individual ecosystems with their ecosystem threat scores. The CFR’s katydid assemblage did not differ significantly from that of the overall South African katydid assemblage in terms of its species traits, threat statuses, or distribution among tettigoniid subfamilies. Likewise, KBI/Site scores did not differ significantly among ecosystem threat statuses. This may be explained by the coarse spatial scale of this study or by the lack of specialization of the CFR katydid assemblage. Nevertheless, the KBI holds promise as it is a relatively simple and non-invasive technique for taking invertebrate species composition into account in an assessment of habitat quality. In regions where katydid assemblages are well-known, acoustic surveys and KBI may provide an efficient means for assessing habitats.
conservation, IUCN Red-List, life history, species traits, ecosystem threat
Global biodiversity is facing many challenges, resulting in the extinction of species at rates estimated to be 100 to 1000 times faster than the background extinction rate (
South Africa currently employs two robust and rapid biodiversity assessment methods targeting freshwater and riparian habitats: the South African Scoring System (SASS) (
Grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in South Africa are a good bioindicator group within the grassland ecosystems (
Most notably, mature male katydids produce characteristic species-specific songs enabling non-invasive species detection in an environment by listening alone (
Rapid assessment techniques are vital tools for detecting biodiversity, particularly in areas which have high species diversity and/or experience extreme threat, such as the biodiversity hotspots (
Here, a new biodiversity assessment method that employs katydids for monitoring terrestrial habitat quality based on an adaptation of the DBI is outlined. The calculation of the Katydid Biotic Index (KBI) is described, and a subset of museum records is used to conduct a case study to illustrate the efficacy of the KBI for assessing biodiversity and habitat quality across a biodiversity hotspot, the CFR, in South Africa. Ultimately, the KBI is evaluated with regards to its possible use in highlighting ecosystems in need of conservation action.
— In 2014, the Red List threat statuses of 133 katydid species were assessed using records obtained from the MANTIS database (
— The KBI allows for individual species to be ranked and compared. Based on similar criteria to that of the DBI, katydids were assessed based on three sub-indices: 1) Red List Status, 2) geographical distribution, and 3) life history traits (in which the mobility and the trophic level at which the species feed are scored on the basis of objective criteria, these two values are then summed, and scored accordingly). Each sub-index is scored from 0 to 3, with the life history category being a combination of individual scores for mobility and trophic level. These sub-indices are added together to give the KBI score for a species. These species KBI scores range from 0 for a widespread, habitat tolerant, Least Concern (LC) species to 9 for a narrow-range, highly habitat sensitive and Red Listed species (Table
The sum of the scores in any specified region or at any particular site is the total KBI score. When the site score is divided by the number of species recorded, it gives the KBI/Site score. The KBI/Site score is thus an average value calculated from all the individual KBI species scores, and allows for the ranking of sites based on their katydid assemblages.
— Globally renowned for its botanical diversity, the CFR includes 122 different vegetation types or ecosystems (Government Gazette 2011) and covers <4% of southern Africa or an area of ±90 000 km2. Within this relatively small area, an estimated 8640 species of plants occur, of which 65% are considered endemic to the CFR. The total number of species within the CFR is disproportionate to its small size as the observed number of species is comparable to that of tropical regions (
A subset of geo-referenced katydid collection localities (n = 207 and accurate to eight decimal places) for the CFR was extracted from the MANTIS database (
— A Chi-square contingency table was used to determine whether the distribution of species among threat statuses and level of endemism were significantly correlated for South African and CFR katydid species. A Kruskal-Wallis test in R (R Development Core Team 2013) was used to assess differences in mean KBI scores of the katydid assemblages of the individual ecosystems and the threat categories to which the ecosystems belong (LC, VU, EN and CR). This was done across the entire CFR , separately for the ecosystems on the eastern seaboard and a one-way ANOVA was conducted for those on the western seaboard. Kruskal-Wallis was selected as it is suitable for non-parametric data, as KBI scores were not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk’s W = 0.95, p < 0.001). Post-hoc Nemenyi-Tests were then conducted using the package PMCMR in R (
Of the 133 katydid species which were assessed for IUCN Red List threat status, 16 (12%) were Data Deficient (DD) and were therefore excluded here from further analyses. Across all South African katydid species, over 50% are considered to be LC, while 35% of species were assessed as threatened [Vulnerable (VU), Endangered (EN), or Critically Endangered (CR)]; (Fig.
The CFR katydids did not differ significantly from all South African katydids in terms of the number of species assigned to each threat status, endemism level, mobility class or trophic level (χ2(df=3, =134) = 0.88, p > 0.05; χ2(df=3, =38) = 0.25, p > 0.05; χ2(df=2) = 0.9, p > 0.05 and χ2(df=3)= 0.07, p > 0.05 respectively; Fig.
Within the total katydid assemblage of South Africa, all species considered to be threatened (VU, EN or CR) were also endemic to the country, this is also true for the CFR katydid species (Fig.
The distribution of species in each subfamily maintained similar patterns in the CFR as in South Africa as a whole, with Phaneropterinae the most abundant subfamily overall, and Pseudophyllinae the least common (Fig.
As expected, LC katydids have significantly lower median species-specific KBI scores than the threatened katydids (VU, EN and CR), but interestingly, these do not differ from each other (χ2 = 44.18, df = 9, p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in the mean KBI scores among the ecosystem threat status categories (χ2 = 3.28, df = 3, p > 0.05; Fig.
Species Score | Threat (T) | Distribution (D) | Life History Traits (LH)† | ||
Mobility (M) | Trophic Level (Tr) | M+Tr Sum | |||
0 | LC | Very common: > 75% coverage of SA and sA |
Fully-flighted | Omnivorous | 0 |
1 | VU | Localized across a wide area in SA, and localized or common in sA: > 66% in SA and > 66% sA -OR- Very common in 1-3 provinces of SA and localized or common in sA: 0 - 33% SA and >66% sA |
Only one sex flighted -OR- One or both sexes partially flighted |
Predatory | 1–2 |
2 | EN | National SA endemic confined to 3 or more provinces: > 33% SA -OR- Widespread in sA but marginal and very rare in SA < 33% SA and > 66% sA |
Flightless | Herbivorous, polyphagous | 3 |
3 | CR | Endemic or near-endemic and confined to only 1 or 2 SA provinces < 33% in SA alone |
Herbivorous, monophagous | 4–5 |
Although no significant differences were observed among the ecosystem threat statuses in terms of their KBI/Site values (i.e. average KBI value), the aim was rather to show how the KBI could be employed in the future once more thorough sampling has been conducted. When mapped, patterns do start to emerge in KBI/Site values among ecosystems. Ecosystems with low KBI/Site scores (mean KBI 0 – 4) tend to be those which are threatened (CR, EN and VU ecosystems) in the western CFR while the LC ecosystems tend to score higher KBI/Site values (mean KBI 5 – 8). This relationship is to be expected, as the more common and less sensitive species will be able to persist in ecosystems that have been transformed from the original state. Whereas the more sensitive and threatened species (those with higher species-specific KBI values) are expected to prefer the natural habitats and not to persist in the transformed systems. However, in the eastern CFR, where the ecosystems appear to be less threatened overall, there seems to be little correlation between the threat status of the ecosystems and their KBI/Site values. The LC ecosystems score relatively low KBI/Site values, between 0 and 4. These discrepancies could be due to numerous factors.
Among the possible explanations for the lack of correlation between ecosystem threat status and KBI/Site value, the small sample size is the most likely. With only 162 unique katydid records being present in 54 of the 122 CFR ecosystems (or 44% of ecosystems), the area is under-sampled. Furthermore, the scale of this study was very coarse and the KBI/Site values were calculated according to ecosystem threat polygons which is not a relevant biological spatial scale for katydids. Future work would need to determine the spatial scale at which the KBI/Site would be an accurate measure, as has been discussed for the DBI (
Furthermore, the CFR is an arid biome characterized by a matrix of agriculturally transformed landscapes and the native fynbos vegetation, which is characterized by evergreen plants in the Ericaceae, Restionaceae and Proteaceae families. Large trees are naturally almost absent from the CFR (
South African katydids are relatively well-documented (Naskrecki, unpublished data). Information regarding the ecology and habitat requirements of the species is relatively well-known, and where information is lacking, it is possible to infer a species’ biological characteristics based on well-documented related species. Indeed, most species could be assessed for the IUCN’s Red List (
All threatened South African katydids (VU, EN and CR) are either national endemics or are localised endemic species. One of the weaknesses of the DBI and of the current method is that distribution is taken into account in the Red List assessment (when species are scored according to Criterion B which was the case for almost all katydids) and is then used again for scoring of the KBI. This leads to a potential problem of intercorrelation between two of the three categories of the KBI. The Dragonfly Biotic Index (DBI) is a very powerful assessment tool used in South Africa and is based on the threat status, distribution and sensitivity to habitat change (
Patterns are seen in the effective mobility of a species, with the less mobile species featuring more prominently in the threatened classes. These patterns are also then maintained within the CFR katydids. Katydid traits are shown here to correlate with threat status, thus providing further evidence that the KBI will be an effective way to monitor habitat quality through the resident katydids.
Katydids are known to be highly cryptic as a result of excellent leaf mimicry and, when combined with their predominantly nocturnal habitats, they are notoriously difficult to locate in the wild. This means that they are not a popular taxon for assessment in comparison with other charismatic invertebrate groups such as dragonflies and butterflies. For this reason, museum records of katydids become a very important source of information. The MANTIS database contains records of all 126 valid species of katydids in South Africa, so allowing for the individual species to be assessed for KBI assessments as accurately as possible.
Although cryptic and difficult to locate, katydids are perhaps best known for the species-specific songs produced by mature adult males (
In view of these conditions, South African katydids can be monitored using inexpensive and simple equipment. A well-trained listener is able to distinguish between the different calls of both katydid and gryllid species (
Despite a few apparent weaknesses of the KBI, this study aimed to simply determine whether the DBI could be adapted to katydids as it has been proven to be a decidedly powerful tool in similar regions to this study. Further comparisons to existing assessment methods will be required in order to accurately determine the effectiveness of the KBI. As this study relied on museum records only, the “rarity” component of the GCI could not be accurately assessed.
With improved monitoring of katydids, perhaps on a smaller scale and with controlled measuring of environmental parameters, it could be possible to demonstrate the further value of this scoring system as a monitoring technique. This is a preliminary study aimed only to introduce the idea of a rapid assessment method for terrestrial habitats based on katydid song. It has identified some of the advantages of the approach but has emphasized that much more data gathering is required. However, it does appear as if the KBI may be a promising method, particularly for regions where katydids are abundant and diverse, but relatively well-known.