Known records of Maotoweta virescens. A. Records overlain on the current extent of indigenous forest; B. Records overlain on mean annual rainfall. Circles represent records of M. virescens obtained during this study, triangles are confirmed records from other sources, and crosses indicate sites surveyed during this survey at which M. virescens was not detected. The extent of indigenous forest was taken from Landcare Research (2020). Rainfall data is from the Ministry for the Environment (2015) Area codes and boundaries follow Crosby et al. (1998).

  Part of: Tweed JMH, Wakelin M, McKinlay B, Murray TJ (2023) Notes on the distribution, ecology, and life history of Maotoweta virescens (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae, Macropathinae) and a comparison of two survey methods. Journal of Orthoptera Research 32(1): 43-53.