Presbistus vitivorus sp. nov. in nature in Cambodia, Phnom Samkos, 16.X.2016. A. Male on Vitaceae sp., laterodorsal view; B. Ditto, terminalia, lateral view; C. Female on vitaceae sp., laterodorsal view; D. Ditto, dorsal view; E. Pair in copula, lateral view; F. General view of habitat; G. Damage on leaves of Vitaceae sp.

  Part of: Bresseel J, Constant J (2022) Extension of the phasmid genus Presbistus to Cambodia with a new species and notes on genitalia and captive breeding (Phasmida, Aschiphasmatidae, Aschiphasmatinae). Journal of Orthoptera Research 31(2): 105-117.