Nancy Collins, Isabel Margarita Coronado-González, Aurora Y. Rocha-Sánchez, Bruno Govaerts, Wilbur Hershberger (2021)
Oecanthus rohiniae sp. nov. (Gryllidae: Oecanthinae): A new chirping tree cricket of the rileyi species group from Mexico.
Journal of Orthoptera Research30: 7.
DOI: 10.3897/jor.30.50039
Nancy Collins, David C. Lightfoot (2022)
A new species of tree cricket (Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Oecanthinae) from Chihuahuan Desert gypsum dunes in the United States and a key to the nigricornis species group.
Journal of Orthoptera Research31: 181.
DOI: 10.3897/jor.31.79036
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