Duronia genus group. Figs 97–98. Duronia chloronota phippsi n. subsp.: 97. Male genitalic structures: A–D. Epiphallus, A. Laterally, B–D. Dorsally and dorso-posteriorly (B–C. Right half only); E–F. Aedeagal valves ventrally and laterally from right side, respectively. 98. Female genitalic structures: A. Subgenital plate dorsally; B. Apex of same ventrally; C. Idem, laterally from right side; D. Cercus; E. Spermathecal duct; and F. Spermatheca. Figs 99, 100, 104. Oxyduronia anablepioides gen.n. et sp.n. 99–100. Oblique aspect of head and pronotum; 99. Male from left side; 100. Female from left side; 104. Male frontal ridge. Figs 101–103. Leopardia bivittata Baccetti. 101, 102. Oblique aspect of head and pronotum. 101. Male from left side; 102. Female from left side; 103. Male frontal ridge. All scale lines under Figs 97, 101, and 103 represent 1 mm – lowermost scale applies to Figs 97 A–F, the uppermost to Figs 98 A–E; that below Fig. 101 applies also to Fig. 99; that below Fig. 103 also applies to Fig. 104. Scale under Fig. 102 represents 5 mm and applies also to Fig. 100.