Figs 47–56. Afrophlaeoba genus group; comparison with Tribe Pargaini. Figs 47–51. Tribe Pargaini, male Odontomelus kwidschwianus: 47. Lateral aspect head from left side showing foveolus; 48. Dorsal aspect anterior left femur; 49. Lateral aspect left hind knee (outer side); 50. Oblique aspect of abdominal apex; 51. Dorsal and lateral aspect (from left side) epiphallus. Figs 52–56. Tribe Phlaeobini, Afrophlaeoba genus group, Paralobopoma viridifrons male: 52. Lateral aspect head from left side showing absence of lateral foveolus; 53. Dorsal aspect anterior left femur; 54. Lateral aspect left hind knee (outer side); 55. Oblique aspect of abdominal apex; 56. Dorsal and lateral aspect (from left side) epiphallus. Figs 57–59. Afrophlaeoba genus group, male abdominal apices: 57. Afrophlaeoba usambarica; 58. Chokwea eucteana comb. n.; 59. Platyverticula ritchiei. 59A. P. ritchiei female abdominal apices obliquely from above and from below. Figs 60–61. Male frontal ridge: 60. Parodontomelus brachypterus; 61. Parodontomelus mazumbaiensis. Figs 62–63. Male fastigium verticis from above: 62. Parodontomelus stoltzei comb. n.; 63. Parodontomelus verticulus. All scale lines represent l mm: that under Fig. 47 applies to Figs 48–50, 52 and 55; that under Fig. 51 applies to Fig. 56; that under Fig. 57 applies to 58 and 59; that under Figs 60 to 61 also; that under Fig. 59A to both figs; that under Fig. 62 to Fig. 63.