Tribe Gymnobothrini. Figs 158–162, 164–165. Rastafaria abessinica: 158. Whole male insect lateral aspect; 159. Dorsal aspect vertex; 160. Oblique view vertex; 161. Pronotal disc; 162. Epiphallus; 164. Female spermatheca; 165. Female sub-genital plate from above and its apex from below. Fig. 163. Epiphallus of C. morotoensis. All scales represent 1 mm: (upper) applies to Figs 159, 160, 162, 163; (lower) applies to Figs 158, 161, 164, 165.

  Part of: Popov GB, Fishpool LDC, Rowell CHF (2019) A review of the Acridinae s. str. (Orthoptera: Acridoidea: Acrididae) of eastern Africa with taxonomic changes and description of new taxa. Journal of Orthoptera Research 28(1): 37-105.