Inter-species analyses for the niche overlap in displaced congeneric species. A. Results for Hierodula species in shared European areas. Yellow: the Hierodula species with taxonomic controversial status (H. tenuidentata/H. transcaucasica). Green: H. patellifera. Grey: shared niche. B. Results for Tenodera species in North America with the whole dataset. Green: T. angustipennis. Yellow: T. sinensis. Grey: shared niche. The analyses with the trimmed points for the Tenodera species are available in Suppl. material 1: fig. S46.

  Part of: De Vivo M (2024) Analysis of potential niche shifts in alien pairs of mantis species (Insecta, Mantodea) with comments on the current taxonomic and ecological knowledge. Journal of Orthoptera Research 33(2): 217-227.